What did you do to your FZ today?

Rode on the slab to work this morning and am planning on taking my faster red beauty on a bit of scenic route meander on the way home tonight. It's been a gorgeous day here in the Bay Area.

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Palomares road is about ten minutes or so from my office. It's a killer road bicycle ride, too.

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This is a place referred to simply as "the wall." I think that the old wall actually fell off the hillside a few years back. I'm really way too socially awkward and uncool to really be allowed to hang out here...

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Another pic of the wall, just desaturated (removed the color...)

It was nice to get a chance to try and get rid of the flat spot down the middle of my rear tire.
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I lifted my tank up, checked my airbox, throttle cable/linkage, and took apart the throttle at the grip.
Seems to have fixed my problems and throttle response is crisp.

Went for a ride, almost got run over by a mexican who was mad that I filtered up to the front at a stop light. Overall it was a fun little ride.
Rode it around, covered in road grime, dirt, and what not. Enjoyed my new front tire, and rode it. LOL
I raced a brand new red convertable mustang full of hot young women and it was a tie!!!:rof:imagine that!!! LOL:D
I did 140 WITH speedohealer installed. MUAAAHAA! (except that the wind gets really gets unbearable)
I rode to work again today. 63-84 degrees from morning to afternoon. I love so cal in the spring. (brutal during summer though, but I can ride 10 months out of the year)
Took some pics of the headlights I put in. And added some RECESSION helmet locks since for Some of the models Yamaha didn't feel they should be needed...
Nokya Hyper Yellow and PIAA Extreme White/Blue bulbs

Under saddle view

Next are some closeups...

What not to do:

Yesterday as I was leaving to go to work for my 8 day rotation, I passed my FZ and said bye, "Baby." My wife wasn't far behind me. She quickly responded, "bye Baby". I had to tell her I was talking to my bike. WOW, that did not go well. I quickly went back to her and told her the same.:Flash:

My wife doesn't really ride with me.
that helmet holder has to be the most thought out mod I've seen in a while. Ghetto, but it would clearly thwart a passerby stealing the helmet...we all know if they REALLY want it, they'll cut it. But that's pretty smart!
that helmet holder has to be the most thought out mod I've seen in a while. Ghetto, but it would clearly thwart a passerby stealing the helmet...we all know if they REALLY want it, they'll cut it. But that's pretty smart!

that's what I was going for...$2 mod. Trying to save for some HyperPro springs.
I installed TBR exhaust and used Necrotimus's bolt method to keep my stock fender/blinkers! Then I ordered P1 tips because it was too loud for me. I might still repack them for a little less noise and then I'll be perfectly happy.
I opened the door to get a water from the garage and saw my FZ6 looking at me. I got my water and was closing the door, but I heard it let out a depressed sigh. All I could think about was, I really need to put a transfer in to N.C. This Ohio weather is killing me and apparently my bike! Come to think of it, I really need to lubricate the hinges on the garage door...