Clutch Lever Removal?


Jun 9, 2014
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Hi Guys :welcome:

Well, more n00b questions from the newbie but I have done my research, checked both manuals (owners and shop), and am at a loss. So, here I am once again.

My clutch lever has been loose to the point of high rpm buzzing. Ok, fine, tighten it up. So I decide to do this while lubing my clutch cable today. First time lubing the cable since I got the bike, straight forward, used the plastic tube over the cable method, worked great but the cable still seems a bit...snug. No problem though its smooth and works fine, has the right slack, etc.

BUT that lever! Not only will it not tighten up, it won't come out of the housing. I took the big bolt out as shown in the R6 video below and removed the cable, all that good stuff. And it just rattles around on the handlebar. I can't see ANYTHING holding it in or on, it just stays put. I used an R6 for reference because I could not find an FZ6 vid, and it looks like an identical set up

I did what this guy does but the lever won't come out any which way I pull, push, or bend it. Also IF that is the only bolt holding it on as the video shows I would think it would be the only thing holding the lever tight. Yet when I tighten the bolt the lever remains loose and just as rattly.

Remember guys you are dealing with a n00b who thought he had a missing lock nut when it was simply on the other side of the wheel, so go easy. But what gives? What might I be missing here but a few screws in the head? I just want to tighten my clutch lever, for pete's sake! But as it turns out it won't even come off the bike when unbolted or tighten up when it is!
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You may want to post a picture of what you have done so far. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Tightening the bolt may not get the results you are looking for. The lever is designed to have some play so it doesn't bind.
That lever should come out. It sounds as if someone over tightened it at one point and the perch is literally grabbing or folding around the lever. That or little maintainance and the parts wore excessivly together..

Putting a thin flat end screwdriver in between the lever and perch should pop it out. Once out, inspect for deformation/wear in the perch. You may be able to slightly file (a very fine file) any obvious edges sticking up (causing the binding).

That should allow the lever to go back in easily and also to tighten up as it should.

Worse case scenerio, you may need to replace the perch as its too distorted.. As noted in the video, there is a bushing in there. The lever may be worn to the bushing(excess slop) so pay attention there, you may need to replace those as well..

When re-assembling, use a good grease on all the moving points and tighten until. I use a Yamaha brand marine grade "waterproof" (not water resistant) that will not wash off (really good stuff-overkill actually).

Why your there, there's an electrical clutch lever switch sometimes squeeks when activated. If so, a little shot of a lubricant will solve that..
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