Your instrument


Junior Member
May 10, 2008
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Seatle, WA
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Made a post for those of us who have instruments weather you can play them or not. tell us about them and if there is a story that goes with it do tell!

(pics appreciated)

here goes nothing:
i was just looking at my guitar and decided its finally time to learn to play it

its an ovation acoustic celebrity

heres a link to ovation (for its specs)
I play the in-line 4, my favorite tune is 13000 rpm. maybe you've heard it?

seriously though I kinda play guitar but I suck at it so normally I don't say I can play it.
I play the in-line 4, my favorite tune is 13000 rpm. maybe you've heard it?

seriously though I kinda play guitar but I suck at it so normally I don't say I can play it.

I hear inkrediboy can play and sing pretty bad ass - oh wait that's me.... good to know there are other musicians on this forum. Sportrider is going to teach my ass how to fly rc planes, and I'm going to teach him how to play that guitar he's got.

and if you haven't known this - suga momma plays a mean piano. She's really really good.
I play the skin flute! I'm pretty good at it.

Yes, I play the piano, but not that good! :D
here are some pics of my \"instruments\"

Yo Sport - that picture on the right looks just like my fender jazz bass. Black pick guard wood tone body, very nice.

I'm going to post up some pictures of my studio in a second.