WTF Harley Riders?

I was looking at a used Bonnie and the dealer had the Piaggio MP3... I asked my wife if she would ride it... one of the mechanics pointed to a corner where there were 3 electraglides... they said that they were traded in for MP3s he couldn't quite explain it...
Wouldn't you be a prick if you bought an HD and realized it really does suck and was way overpriced. I know I'd be a bad mood when the thing vibrated itself into smaller parts when I was riding it. That would make anybody a huge prick. :p
Awesome we have not only diversity in schools, businesses, and in our community but now we got it on bikes. Lol, I agree though, I ride in Missouri and I wave to every rider if unless I am shifting of course but, thats just me. Like the other day I waved to one and all he does is look at me like a cow would look at an on coming train.

Is your knee touching the ground on turns?! :spank:
I work with alot of Harley riders (about 14)...they give me crap about my bike and I give them crap right back, but it's all in good fun.
In and around the town where I work HD riders are friendly and will often wave. There is a huge diversity of bikers there. This is not the case near my hometown, mostly HD riders and not a one will wave back to a sportbike rider, ever. Why the different attitudes? I don't know...
When the guys give me crap at work, I often remind them that when I was looking to buy a bike it came down to a $6500 Yamaha or a $9600 Harley Nightster. I am glad a bought a better bike for less.
There are a lot of HD riders in our area. I wave to all and I would say that 95% wave back. The 5% that doesn't wave really doesn't bug me. What I have found though is that most are pretty unfriendly at the gas station and either don't acknowledge your presence or give you the hairy eyeball.
It may have been that where I was from there were so few bikes that everyone was in the minority, HD's waved at Busa's, ZX14's waved at Vstars. There was no difference in them. The only time you don't get a wave is when you are in the middle of a decreasing radius corner, even then, you get a nod!
But I lived in the BOONIES!
Snobbery creeps into everything fun. Some motorcycle riders look down on scooter drivers. Some street bike riders look down on people riding cruisers. That said, there does appear to be an abnormally high percentage of HD riders that look down on other bike riders.

So why are things this way? I have some theories.

1. HD's has marketed themselves so that many believe them to be the be-all and end-all of motorcycles. Yes, it is a silly premise, but welcome to marketing. This is the same kind of snobbery that causes Porsche drivers who have never been on a track to look down on all other sport car drivers. Back to the point, these are people who only ride because it is on a Harley, which they feel is the best and entitles them to look down on other riders. The only reason they ride is because it is a fun way to look down on others.

2. There is a class of people who aren't riding for the pure joy of riding. This class of jerk doesn't get the fact that people ride motorcycles and scooters for the pure fun of it. As a result, they don't feel they are part of a fun loving, 2 wheel fraternity.

3. The HD culture isn't as friendly as other riding cultures, so riders who come up in this culture don't realize that it is borderline impolite NOT to wave to other riders. This group just doesn't know any better.
Here in SW Florida riding is year round. Having had a Harley some years ago and a Jap bike, I found that when on the Harley, Generally, they WILL wave at you (or a "V" - for V twin)... When riding something else, nope. I will return the wave/nod from anyone. I've also had friends with Harleys tell me to get a REAL BIKE.... Yea right.... Had one (actually 2, an AMF 1000 I got tired of pushing-literally and an 01 Wide Glide), no thanks....
I am interesting in your opinions as to why Harley riders seem to be pricks


10. Afraid it will invalidate warranty.
9. Leather and studs make it too heavy to raise arm.
8. Refuse to wave to anyone whose bike is already paid for.
7. Afraid to let go of handlebars because they might vibrate off.
6. Rushing wind would blow scabs off the new tattoos.
5. Angry because just took out second mortgage to pay luxury tax on new Harley.
4. Just discovered the fine print in owner's manual and realized H-D is partially owned by Honda.
3. Can't tell if other riders are waving or just reaching to cover their ears like everyone else.
2. Remembers the last time a Harley rider waved back, he impaled his hand on spiked helmet.
1. They're too tired from spending hours polishing all that chrome to lift their arms.

I wave to everyone on bikes that I see! I love motorcycles and I hope that everyone that is riding a bike thinks the same thing!!! It's really not about what kind of bike you ride, it is just about riding!!!!
I think that most of the Harley riders turn their good manners in when they sign the paperwork for the bike. It's that "REBEL" biker image that they think they have to live up to. BMW riders have that same " Better than thou" outlook. Why can't we just get along? It's all in the wind that counts, GRUMPY
I've been studying this phenomenon for years. Your observations have been validated by numerous sources. The best scientific information available today proposes that the noise from their engines and exhausts has resulted in significant hearing loss. The highly polished chrome, blinding as it is, has similarly resulted in retinal damage and visual loss. The vibration of their vehicles has reulted in carpal tunnel syndrome and other nerve damage. The sum total of this has lead to sensory deprivation, altered perception, and global sensory numbness akin to prisoners in solitary confinement for long periods of time. It is, in essence, "shut in syndrome".

Harley riders therefore, likely do not see the wave. If they see it they do not understand it. If they understand it, they do not recall how to respond to it. Simply put, it's just not their fault. They are victims of vehicular retardation. I say: keep waving my friend. It's the right thing to do. One day there'll be a trading in the Harley for an FZ6.
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...It's the guys wearing leather vests as their exclusive protective gear and Kaiser-esque helmets with tats all over with ape hangars are the ones that make me a little nervous...

It's these guys that usually return the wave:thumbup:...and actually know how to ride. The lawyers and weekend warriors are the ones that scare me most:eek: They are the people that won't group up when coming across another solo rider, the people that spend so much $$$ on their bike that I could use it as a down payment on a house...and the people that are too stuck up to return a friendly wave or nod.

My vote goes for the scary looking guys that you wouldn't invite over for dinner...but that would probably stop and help you if something happened:Flash:
I once had a Harley rider stop and offer roadside help. I was on my old cx500 and had picked up a nail. I was trying to shove a too large of a plug into the tire when a leather clad, bald, tatooed muscular fellow offered some assistance. He a Dyna Wide Glide, and luckily had a smaller tire plug. After making some off color comments about Honda's I fed him some garbage about Harley's. He chuckled as I was pumping up my tire, I thanked him and then shook hands. He said "ride safe" and blatted off. So, yes some HD riders are pricks, and some love the open road and two wheels just like any other motorcyclist.