Wrist Fracture = Out for two months

My wrist was fractured multiple times as seen in the X-ray below,

And this one is after the doctors put it back together

Took about half a year to heal and another half year to get some strength back in my wrist.
Sorry to hear about your injury. BUT. remember it is very important to do what the doctor tells you to do. Think of it this way, do what they say and you may be out for a riding season. don't do what they say and you may be out for a few riding seasons. good luck. get well soon.
That sucks man. Grind through it and keep busy doing other things I guess.

The doctor who put the cast on recommended that I get this device called the Bone Stimulator.

Well, looks like you won't be doing any bone-stimulating anymore for a little while. So in that case, yeah, getting a "device" to help you out is understandable. Two months is a long time....
Dude.. I'm so sorry :(
I had a scaphoid break about 5 years ago and it SUCKED. I was in a cast for 3 months :(
Did not use any devices to promote healing, but my fracture was also diagnosed within a day of injury.. don't know how that affects healing. I do know that this bone gets very little blood flow naturally and therefore it's one of the slowest to heal :(
I do know that they divide this bone in 3 sections when it comes to treating the fracture. I don't remember what they are called and what the locations are, but the mildest one should heal on its own within 6-8 weeks whereas the worst one absolutely requires surgery. Mine wasn't mildest or most severe.
I see it's on your left hand and at the very least I sincerely hope you're a righty! I'm a righty and it was my right wrist, which made me feel quite helpless.. had to learn how to brush teeth, shave.. etc with my left hand.
One thing I can tell you which hopefully will help make you feel better.. it DID heal eventually and with doing a lot of my own PT I got it to be just about 100%.
I wish you all the best!

Thanks Erci!

Yeah I am a righty so thats lucky. I would have been totally useless at work without my mouse hand. It is good to hear that yours healed well. They scared me a little at the hospital talking about 80 percent chance to heal and stuff. They said if the diagnosis was delayed another 2-3 months I would absolutely need surgery and it never is 100% after surgery because they remove the bone.

The doctor said 6 to 8 weeks for the first check-up so I am assuming mine is either the mildest one or the second. RSW81 was saying that the top part of that bone has the best blood flow so I assume thats the reason for different healing times.
These fractures can be very difficult to see on xray, in the doctor's defense. The reason is shows better later on is that the poor blood flow causes avascular necrosis (AVN) of the bone, making the gap between the bones appear bigger.

The reason the doc is so strongly recommending the bone stimulator is because it's been months since the original injury and you haven't healed yet.

The second doctor looked at both x rays and said it was not really visible in the first xray that was taken right after the accident. So i dont blame the first doctor at all. I had sprains where the pain lasted close to 6 months before, so I wasnt alarmed for this one. I am just glad I went in for another xray because the doctor said I would need surgery for sure if the diagnosis was delayed another 2-3 months.
Get well soon, and follow your doctors orders! I missed about 2 months of last years riding season because of an injury to my right hand.

I had my ring finger tendon severed 100% as well as 80% damage to two other tendons. The digital artery was severed, Lumbricle (sp?) muscle and two nerves. The repair required surgery and lots of physical therapy over the following 3 months.

In hindsight, I rushed getting back on the bike which didn't help my healing process. My hand works, but it will never be 100% again.

oh man, im sorry to hear that.

severing tendons sound very serious.. theres videos of severed tendon procedures on youtube and I cant believe they can attach that thing back together. And you had 3 :eek::eek:

Were you working with tools or something?
wow Mike sorry to hear!!! Hope it heals quickly... give me a call when you can ride again!

Thanks David, will do.

Im glad that its not the throttle hand, I can jump back on the bike as soon as I get the cast off. Cant wait :thumbup:
Dude, say it isn't so! :eek:
Speaking from experience, do whatever the doctor says and heal quickly.
I'd be super bummed if you couldn't the July ride. :(

Yeah me too! The lucky thing is, its not the throttle hand so I can probably jump back on the bike once I get the cast off which will be in 6 to 8 weeks. I cant clutch it up anyway, so left hand should be fine once the cast is off, maybe it will motivate me to carry some speed thru the turns :BLAA:
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Now's the time to buy that Aprillia Mana, no clutch:thumbup:
All kidding aside that does suck but do follow doctors advice and take care of it now and you'll thank your self later:D

At the risk of losing my man card, that Aprilia looks pretty awesome!
My wrist was fractured multiple times as seen in the X-ray below,

And this one is after the doctors put it back together

Took about half a year to heal and another half year to get some strength back in my wrist.

DAMN!!! :eek::eek::eek:

You shattered that bone pretty bad, did this happen on your bike?
DAMN!!! :eek::eek::eek:

You shattered that bone pretty bad, did this happen on your bike?

This is a very common fracture, called a Colle's fracture or a "dinner fork" fracture because of the shape like a dinner fork. It's most often caused by falling onto an out-stretched hand. These heal up pretty well though. I've had this once in each wrist with minimal issues afterward.
Im glad that its not the throttle hand, I can jump back on the bike as soon as I get the cast off. Cant wait :thumbup:

Keep in mind that after getting the cast off, you still won't be 100% back to playing. This is one of those fractures that you REALLY need to take it easy on until it's completely healed, or you could re-fracture it pretty easily. Be very conservative with your activities over the next several months. Like someone else said, be smart and only take one riding season off to let it heal up. Don't be stupid and make it multiple riding seasons missed.
Keep in mind that after getting the cast off, you still won't be 100% back to playing. This is one of those fractures that you REALLY need to take it easy on until it's completely healed, or you could re-fracture it pretty easily. Be very conservative with your activities over the next several months. Like someone else said, be smart and only take one riding season off to let it heal up. Don't be stupid and make it multiple riding seasons missed.

Yeah im probably being overly enthusiastic about getting back on the bike. I definitely want to have my arm to 100% before anything else. Maybe I'll make an exception for the epic west coast gathering tho :D
Sorry to hear of your mishap and new finding Mike. Get well soon. I know how it can be trying. I also play guitar, bass and even have a djembe! I had broken ribs and couldn't lay ina bed for 3 weeks and then it was horrific to lay down and get up. :eek:

Thanks for this info Doctor Brother Rob. I was wondering why it might have been missed. That makes sense the way you've explained it and I see why they want to see my messed up wrist last year after the did'nt see any cold fractures.
I didn't think I was going to heal up as good as new but did. How does the bone stimulator work? What is it?


I think a ride followed by a jam session has to happen once things are back to normal :thumbup:

Broken ribs sound really painful. Were you on lots of pain medication going to bed? Something stronger maybe? or maybe something greener even :BLAA:
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