Why We Ride Film


Quis, mihi fatigo?
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Feb 7, 2010
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Southern Oregon
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Just found this on another M/C forum and bought tickets for Mrs. Lefty and I for the SF showing December 8th. Looks like it'll be a fun afternoon in the City.
Why We Ride Film
Let me know if any of you see it before we do...
I reserved tickets the first day I heard there would be a showing in Tucson, and spread the word to my riding group and all of the shops I frequent. Unfortunately it doesn't look like the numbers are there to fill the seats, and it may not happen. I'm actually a little disappointed that there has not been more support for this here.
We've just booked to 18th in San Jose. I'm wonder if whole movie will keep atmosphere of trailer ? Let's hope so.

Actually I regret they haven't released streaming version. I think I would be ready to pay premium for being able to watch it earlier.
We just got home from seeing the picture in San Francisco this afternoon. All I can say is it is an awesome motorcyling movie and far surpasses the trailer they put out about it.
It is really more about motorcyclists and the passion we all have for motorcycling rather than types, or brands of motorcycles. The theater was sold out with well over 200 in attendance and for the whole 90 minutes it ran you could have heard a pin drop in the theater. On more than one occasion I was almost brought to tears with some of the interviews and inspirational stories that were presented.
If you still have a chance to still see this movie in your area..do it! You will not be dissappointed. :rockon:
I thought the movie was alright, left me wanting more. I was hoping for a global perspective , may be they will make another one.
I did enjoy the 411 on the history of motorcycle racing and the bits of perspective from Ted Simon. The kids were awesome.

Dare I say I felt like the movie was more of a recruitment video
The part that got me really revving was when they showed MotoGP clips, wish there was a bit more of that than the guys on cruisers with nothing between their teeth and the tarmac.

I wish they had interviewed a mixed crowd spread out through different geographies. May be send some one out to Mongolia to see why folks there love riding their bikes if at all?

We all love to ride our bikes, that is a given but how do we get richer by that experience?
Ted Simon was very astute and I hope they show more of his ilk in any future productions.
I've watched it yesterday.

I feel a little unsatisfied I would say.

Camera work was pretty good (although sometimes too much slow motion IMHO). Some stories were nice, but sometimes I've felt somehow pompous (like stories were blown or people telling them where describing as they would have bigger impact than in reality)

Although I've enjoyed history and history of racing, I think it took too much part in the movie. Together with my wife, we are riding street, track and we're dirt-courious :) But I think although we love track, it's not most important aspect of motorcycling. I've got impression creators are telling me if I don't race motorcycle, then I'm not real rider.

That said I think most important aspect of riding have been missed a lot. I'm talking about all those pleasure and adventure rides. Isn't that the best feeling when you're on your motorcycle rolling through twisty, mountain rode in the woods ? It's all about you, motorcycle and the road. Or don't we love to take unknown road and see how it would turn out ? Meet with the different characters as we travel far far from home ? I've missed that aspect a lot in that movie and that's my biggest disappointment.

I've also missed somehow part about dangers of riding. I understand creators probably didn't want to scare people of motorcycling. However I think they could mention dangers lightly and show how people protects them from the worst. Pretending dangers don't exist, doesn't make them disappear :)

Another thing missing was working on the machine. Although they mentioned some restorations done by families it didn't show any aspect we've discussed lately in this thread.

All and all I'm left with mixed feelings varying from disappointment to mediocre.
The film is now available to purchase (streaming or DVD) or rent (streaming) -- on Amazon in USA, at least.

I'm with DeepBlueRider, in his review. It didn't inspire me to set off for Tierra del Fuego on two wheels, but still a pleasant enough way to pass an evening.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Why-We-Ride-Kenny-Roberts/dp/B00IIJK97O/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t]Amazon.com: Why We Ride [HD]: Kenny Roberts, Mert Lawwill, Alonzo Bodden, Ed Kretz Jr: Amazon Instant Video[/ame]