Why does the Nautilus horn need to be vertical?


M em b er e d
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, TX
I've been trying to figure this one out, and I can't come up with a good answer.

Some googling found a claim that this was needed to keep the oil in.

That makes no sense because the oil would all spill out when the horn was being shipped.

Then I found this autopsy of a Nautilus horn. And there is no oil.
The Innards of A Nautilus Stebel Horn - Sport-Touring.Net

The compressor should work in any position. The horns themselves, so long as they don't fill with water, will work.

I'm out of ideas, but I'm still wondering why this horn cannot be mounted horizontally. Anyone got a theory or some facts?

Well I would assume it would be the moisture the pump pull's in with the outside air it's compressing would need to drain ,so that would be the purpose of the mounting posistion.is there a weep hole? [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0uYpuCYFwg[/ame] this vid explains my theory.
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Well I have my Stebel horn mounted on the original stock stock brackett, occupying the same location. The horn is mounted so that horn is facing down, so that now water can enter through the exit area.
Well I have my Stebel horn mounted on the original stock stock brackett, occupying the same location. The horn is mounted so that horn is facing down, so that now water can enter through the exit area.

You also have a climate with about 0% humidity.....here in La. I have to drain my compressor every morning before starting work,or ruin my air tools...our humidity stays above 50% allmost year round...so it would'nt matter which way you mounted your air horn as long as you stayed in your dry climate..