Who's got a g33k in their lives?


I'm a girl dammit!
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Aug 7, 2007
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Cape Cod
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Who has a geek in their lives, and do they do things like:

Use command keys to restart windows without a monitor.
Listen to Parody songs from Weird Al in traffic and sings along loudly.
Makes jokes using binary, most people don't get those unless they know binary.
Argues about who shot first Hann or Greedo.
Who owns a T-Shirt by Microsoft defining GEEK.
Takes days off work to play World of Warcraft or Crysis.
Wears black socks with sneakers (that is my fault there is no clean white ones)
Uses internet slang such as LOL when he is speaking.
Has passed up on hibbidy dibbity to play video games.
Talks to more people on Ventrilo then on the real phone.. which I am getting rid of at the end of our contract.
Has more CDs with software than music or movies.
Who has a geek in their lives, and do they do things like:

Use command keys to restart windows without a monitor.
Listen to Parody songs from Weird Al in traffic and sings along loudly.
Makes jokes using binary, most people don't get those unless they know binary.
Argues about who shot first Hann or Greedo.
Who owns a T-Shirt by Microsoft defining GEEK.
Takes days off work to play World of Warcraft or Crysis.
Wears black socks with sneakers (that is my fault there is no clean white ones)
Uses internet slang such as LOL when he is speaking.
Has passed up on hibbidy dibbity to play video games.
Talks to more people on Ventrilo then on the real phone.. which I am getting rid of at the end of our contract.
Has more CDs with software than music or movies.

Just because I have "tech" in my handle does not make me an @ut0m@tic
G33K Ok? :D I personally don't like the commonly accepted form of compliment by the word "Geek" - designating someone as tech-savy.
There are 10 types of people...

...but I don't use binary for recreational purposes. :D
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xEzGIuY7kw"]YouTube - "Weird Al" Yankovic - White & Nerdy[/nomedia]
:welcome: There is nothing wrong with it ;)

My husband is a total geek, however he is funny, smart and handsome so geek in my book is awesome. We have a ton of fun. His bosses son-in-law is from Britain and he was described to the Brit as a brilliant guy. Well he confessed months later when we all became friends, that when he met his new boss, he thought "who is this footballer that I am working for? Surely this isnt' the brilliant man that my father-in-law described"
We all spend way too much time posting to a motorcycle forum on the intertubes......i think that makes us all a little bit of a geek.
Does thick broken glasses held together with zip ties count? :) If so that's me (although I thought the fix was quite ingenious)

Most of the time, i'm a geek in disguise with the glasses in the pocket, people think with the big tribal tattoos I have, BIC shaved head, backwards hat, and west coast chopper-skull shirts riding an R1 I'm a street thug, or maybe even a trash collector :) Hmmmm, maybe a career change is in order. Not that I'm hating on trashmen, they provide a public service that we all enjoy ha ha......... (disclaimer for the day)

I like that, keeps people from asking for free computer help!!!!! Friends don't count of course :) I don't speak in binary for fun - but I do speak in Japanese to the majority of people when it comes to technology.

So this must be how Spiderman felt, he's G33K undercover.
Who has a geek in their lives, and do they do things like:

Use command keys to restart windows without a monitor.
Who owns a T-Shirt by Microsoft defining GEEK.

A g33k wouldn't need to restart cause they would be running a superior O/S which doesn't need to be rebooted for every tiny change made.

A g33k wouldn't wear a Microsoft T-shirt, they would wear a Tux T-shirt.

Most geeks I have met(my best friends included) are great people with big hearts, strong moral character and lively minds. I wouldn't mind being called a geek any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Don't really have enough computer knowledge on the software side of things though - to have the credentials. I hope to learn a lot more about it, though. -my two cents:D
I am a g33k wannabe.. I like to learn so every chance I get I am looking over my husband's shoulder. I learn alot at work since I am the 'network admin' here. I do pretty well.
My girlfriend comments daily on just how much of a geek I am... and how much she likes it. She is a keeper for sure... :eek:
Yes that counts Ink, speaking of zip ties.. we (my husband, Josh and I) were in zip tie hell lastnight. We are putting in radient floor heating in our new master suite, and are trying to save money by doing some of the 'easy' stuff. We laid all the tubing a couple weeks ago... then realized we really should move it closer. So we undid some of the zip ties and brought the tubing in some and now we have more heat, but what a pain to redo. We also had to line all of the walls with aluminum flashing..Then we had to lift up the grating on little 3 inch wooden blocks so the cement can get in and under the tubing. The one with the little feet (me) had to tip toe for about an hour to put all the little blocks in hehe. It is always fun though to do this kind of stuff with my hubby. We got kudos from his uncle and the cement pourer(not sure if he is a mason, or a forms guy) saying we did a real nice job. :cheer:
BTW Josh always tries to conceal his geekiness too.
Yes that counts Ink, speaking of zip ties.. we (my husband, Josh and I) were in zip tie hell lastnight. We are putting in radient floor heating in our new master suite, and are trying to save money by doing some of the 'easy' stuff. We laid all the tubing a couple weeks ago... then realized we really should move it closer. So we undid some of the zip ties and brought the tubing in some and now we have more heat, but what a pain to redo. We also had to line all of the walls with aluminum flashing..Then we had to lift up the grating on little 3 inch wooden blocks so the cement can get in and under the tubing. The one with the little feet (me) had to tip toe for about an hour to put all the little blocks in hehe. It is always fun though to do this kind of stuff with my hubby. We got kudos from his uncle and the cement pourer(not sure if he is a mason, or a forms guy) saying we did a real nice job. :cheer:
BTW Josh always tries to conceal his geekiness too.

Man, that is alot of work - but I'm sure the reward will be worth it. That will feel REALLY nice in the winter. Congrats on your project!