Which websites do you order from?


Junior Member
Apr 19, 2009
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Mobile, AL
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When I had my Shadow, I could always rely on cruisercustomizing.com. They had pretty much every aftermarket dingie you could want for cruisers and sorted by parts that fit your bike make/model.

But as its name implies: it's for cruisers.

Are there any similar websites for sportbikes that have large inventories of aftermarket parts meant for the FZ6?
kneedraggers.com has had a decent enough selection. they can sometimes take a lil while with shipping, as they are a smaller store....but they have good prices and most of the time i have ordered from them i have gotten my stuff within a week.
Honestly, it all depends on what you are looking for. There is no "one stop internet shop" for FZ6 modding I'm affraid (too bad).

I've listed several web sites that I have purchaed from in my links section on my site here: Boneman's FZ6 Site - Links

Also on my individual mod pages, I've listed a link to where I've purchased each item: http://www.bonemanfz6.com/mods.htm

Basically once you've identified what you are looking for (Google), then start shopping around for who has it and at the best price. SOmetimes you can save some good coin by comparison shopping!
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