When you least expect it. Wham!

I actually saw something similar to that the other day.

I saw two wheels on the side of the road standing up in the hubs and attached with an axle of some kind.

Then 2-3 miles down the road i saw a semi missing two wheels. I didn't see anything that suggested that anyone got hurt though. But i didn't realize it was possible.
I was driving my car down the interstate coming back from Vegas many years ago and got passed by a semi-truck tire that was doing about 70 mph (no truck attached). I was going down a pretty steep section of road so the tire had potentially rolled for a mile or more (no truck in rear view mirrors). After watching it roll in front of me for 15 or 20 seconds it finally crossed into the other lane :eek: and bounced off the road into some scrub. No injury to anyone - except maybe new underwear required for the drivers that saw that beast coming at them...
That would suck. I watched a wheel and tire fly up over a k-rail divided highway once, almost caused a huge pile up with me in the middle of it. There was a kid in a black jetta with nice after market rims (3 of them) parked in the fast lane on the other side maybe two hundred yards further down. It was his driver's side front wheel too, could have been catastrpohic. I'm guessing he used cheap pep boys wheel spacers to fit those big wheels on :rolleyes:
I lost my left rear wheel on a 94 Grand Cherokee when I was on my way up to northern michigan with my brother and sister in the car. There were no other cars except my parents in the vehicle in front of me hauling the boat. The only damage was the center cap from my rim, 5 lost lug nuts and some scrapes on the outside of my brake drum.

We all piled into one car, dropped my bro, sis, and mom off for lunch, got 5 new lug nuts, went back to the car, put em on and rode the rest of the way.
I usually laugh at funny stuff similar to that. For some reason I didn't even smile after seeing that. That was sick. I felt bad for the dude guess mostly cause he wasn't doing anything stupid like some ppl who deserve that tire.
This past winter in Milwaukee a Semi lost a tire and it crossed the median and killed a well renowned Doctor. Sometimes you just never know...
He had to have received broken legs or a broken back. It looked like it just took his legs out from under him but I think the speed and impact had to do considerable damage. What do you all think?
He had to have received broken legs or a broken back. It looked like it just took his legs out from under him but I think the speed and impact had to do considerable damage. What do you all think?

The video is fuzzy and hard to see and I'm not a doctor but he wasn't trying very hard to get up even though he was sitting in a pool of gas. If I knew my legs were broken or if I couldn't move them I would just sit there too, otherwise I'd be scrambling to get the heck out of there.