What's your favorite thing about the FZ6?


Jul 20, 2011
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Boulder, CO
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It can be something specific or general. Aesthetically based or performance based. Cost based or what have you. What is your overall favorite thing about this bike. And/or why did you buy it?

For me - The headlights. (specifically gen 2) They sold me on her. Just look so sleek and mean! I fell in love.

What about you? What's your favorite part?
The beautiful curvy frame, and yeah its my first bike and Im in love with it.
And also underseat exhaust looks great compared to single side exhausts on other bikes
General specs are what put it on my short list.

Looks are why I fell in love and bought it. Hell, my wife was totally against me getting a bike AT ALL. Then she saw the FZ and said, "Ohhhh... that's hot. You can get one of those."

The high performance/low cost ratio, bulletproof reputation, swiss-army like usability, and awesome online forum are why I stay.
I jumped at the chance to own a 2007 FZ6 in the "faster blue" because I really liked the twin exhausts tucked up under the tail.

I'm keeping it for a while because the price was really cost-effective (especially compared to my dealer's asking price for the same model), because it screams like a caged tiger, and because I get to do some very satisfying wrenching again.
- - - Happy as a witch in a broom factory, Jim

Most problems can be solved with a suitable application of throttle.
The under tail exhaust. I have this weird need for everything to be symmetrical and even, so I think that's why I like it so much.

The fact that it's good performance for the dollar, I can run it like a SS or tour with it.

The curves of the bike remind me of a sexy woman (frame & tank).

Plus, I have mine customized enough to the point that most people have no idea what it is, but nearly all say "nice bike".

Had it down at the beach parked next to a friends brand new CBR 600RR and there was a circle of people around my bike and hers was ignored... That was even before I did my newest custom paint job.

This spring/summer it will get a custom pilon seat cover made up as well.
Nice question! For me: Value, style, quality, size/power-good compromise in general. Specifically, underseat exhaust, frame, brakes, wheels. And of course it's a Yamaha! Like my Scion TC, never has been in the shop, just oil and filter and tires.
+1 on the engine, the exhaust ios great but more than anything is how well everything works together for a bike that is fast, looks good, commutes, makes trips, etc.

Recently purchased a CBR600RR and it is an interesting comparison. The CBR is fast and smooth but not the hooligan the FZ6 is. Have been working to make the CBR a little less aggressive with Heli riser clip-ons and a Zero Gravity Sport Touring windscreen. Looking for a way to replace the passenger seat with a platform I can strap a bag to.

My plea to the manufactures is why can't you make a FZ6 version of the CBR600RR or R6. Keep the frame, motor and suspension but with a less aggressive riding position and a more touring oriented fairing (i.e. more wind protection). Not radical changes but small changes. Leave the canyon carver there but make it a little more upright riding position with more fairing. Didn't even look at the FZ6R because it is down so much on power and little up on weight. CBR is so easy to push around in the garage and it is 50 pounds lighter than the FZ6. I'll give up 20 of those pounds for a little less aggressive bike.

Sorry but that's my rant about the lack of a FZ6 replacement.
When I bought mine it felt like the right bike to get back into riding again. I sat on it and it felt right.
I liked the fact that it was a more dynamic bike in that you could thrash in the turns with it and people would bag it up for trips. The economics of it and last but not least!!! The great people I've met that have them with this great forum that is associated with the FZ6. I guarantee you won't find a finer bunch of comrades and comradettes on any FZ6 related forum on the WWW than here.

So even though I have a ^^^^^ Suzuki now ^^^^^ I still enjoy the FZ6!!! :p
For me it was part awesome bike and part awesome old coworker for the previous owner that let me do a downpayment and then payments to finish it off. It's a great fun bike to ride and now its also how awesome it sounds with the Two Bros exhaust!
T'ain't any one thang, it's the total package fer me. :cheer:
A proper riding position/ergonomics, range on a tank of gas, long valve adjustment intervals, excellent (reliable) motor, chassis, & suspension right out of the box.
it gives me the most bang for my buck.

I really love that it comes with a babe magnet from the factory.
Dang, it ain't got me laid yet! Then again, prolly nuth'in will? :don'tknow:
