What the fcuk is wrong with people!


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Jun 29, 2009
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Cardiff, UK
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That just blows! I hope your dad (and you) will recover quickly. I don't know who ever thought roundabouts would be a good idea. We have mini ones here in my town in some of the residential (25 mph) streets that are used to slow down traffic. I see the most confused faces on people when there's more than one car trying to make a turn out of one, at a snails pace no less! I can't imagine what a zoo that must be for you in the U.K. with the traffic and the speeds people go. :eek:
Roundabouts are great for keeping traffic flowing, it is not their fault. It is the idiots who aren't driving properly. Looking too far ahead is as bad as not looking at all.

I wish we had more roundabouts here, there is only 1 within a day's ride from me! Now that confuses the cagers when they only see one in a lifetime!
bristish beer is for pussies :p

The above post was brought to you from the land of pissweak lager :Flip:

Sorry to hear about the crash. Seriously worrying if they can't even see what's right in front of them.

Not trying to excuse the driver's incompetence at all, but I wonder if there's a flaw in the design of the roundabout somehow.
Was it in this roundabout?? :rof: I know there are 2 or 3 like this one in the UK...



Since getting on two wheels I have noticed a lot of clowns on the road in the UK.
I hope you both recover quickly.
Was it in this roundabout?? :rof: I know there are 2 or 3 like this one in the UK...




Who in the hell designed this!? I would love to just grab a lawn chair, candy bar, and a radio, and tally down how many wrecks occur a day in that mess.
The first thing I thought when I saw Wavex's post is...with the design of that roundabout what's the worst thing that could happen? Then I went back to the OP's post and answered my own question.:eek: Then I read the sign in the first pic: "the Magic Roundabout" Aptly named, it'll be a magic trick to get through it unscathed! Never mind that there was as additional bus lane that just ended. I'm amazed that in this day and age there aren't more traffic engineers using intelligent signal equipment and timed signals for smooth traffic flow. Around here locally it's pretty good (until one or more of the timers goes haywire) then it turns into gridlock. :(
Jonno, I don't know what kind of Safety organizations you have in Britain, but I bet if you AND your Dad approached one with a Safety Commercial in mind, they'd go for it:
"Hi, I'm Jonno, and I got rear-ended on my bike two weeks ago. Hi, I'm Jonno's Dad, and I got rear-ended on my bike yesterday" Then finish with some clever phrase (I'll let the marketers figure that out).

Could be an attention-getting ad, and maybe save a person or two...
Oh, and I actually wanted to try that roundabout maze, until I realized I'd ALSO be riding on the left side of the road!! :eek::eek::eek::eek: Think I'll take the bus. :D
Sorry for both of you man. WHOA! Those pics made me dizzy. (Maybe set them up as a slideshow and get high just watching it?)
There is a city near here that has two of these. Cagers are forever freezing up and just stopping right in the center of the road!
Whether they're a good idea or not - if cagers can't handle them they need to go!
(JMO: Feel free to make it your's)
Good god. That makes me think of that scene in European Vacation where Chevy Chase can't figure out how to get the hell out of the round about. We're so unaccustomed to them here, that you stick one in a main highway and there's going to be carnage. People have a hard enough time with them in shopping center parking lots.
Thanks for all your kind words guys. I was a bit het up when I posted, but understandable I think. Dad got away with no breaks although he has a lot of bruisin and swelling, luckily he landed on the grass after being launched off the back of the bike. He's more gutted about the bike. It was a 2005 BMW R1200ST which they only made for a few years, they're quite rare over here now and his only had 4000 miles on it. Typically, he'd had a new exhaust and K&N fitted yeterday morning, exhaust is now trashed. The car rode up over the bike which was lying on it's left side so if the swinging arm is damaged I reckon they'll write it off. Those Beemer swing arms & shaft drive must cost a bomb. All left side panel work shagged too.

Was it in this roundabout?? :rof: I know there are 2 or 3 like this one in the UK...




Wavex I've never seen aerial pics of the magic roundabout before. It's in Swindon not so far from where I work so I've had to negotiate it a few times in the past. It's franctic at rush hour with people stopped everywhere! I've never been through it on a bike though, best keep it that way I think. Someone once told me the best way to handle it is to go all the way around the outside!

Jonno, I don't know what kind of Safety organizations you have in Britain, but I bet if you AND your Dad approached one with a Safety Commercial in mind, they'd go for it:
"Hi, I'm Jonno, and I got rear-ended on my bike two weeks ago. Hi, I'm Jonno's Dad, and I got rear-ended on my bike yesterday" Then finish with some clever phrase (I'll let the marketers figure that out).

Could be an attention-getting ad, and maybe save a person or two...

Botch, you wouldn't believe the amount of times I've thought of starting a road safety campaign to remind drivers of the day one rules of the road that everyone seems to forget. It always springs to mind when people barge their way onto the motorway in the morning during my commute, causing congestion, rapid lane changes and heavy braking. They fail to realise that they should give way to traffic on the main carriageway. But what difference will one man's voice make I always ask myself? I'm certainly going to write to MCN abou it, maybe they will pick up on it.

I firmly believe that there are too many cars on the road nowadays and people don't treat them with the respect they should. Driving often seems to come second to eating, drinking, smoking or talking on the phone to a lot of people when they really should be devoting all their attention to the road. 2 ton of metal can kill at almost any speed. Even if they are paying attention, it seems that when they want to get home, certain individuals look too far ahead like Andz says.

Oh well, it's just more weight to the argument for not getting another bike. If it weren't for my 700 mile a week commute which incurrs £5.50 a day Severn Bridge toll fee in the car then I'd be 100% put off another bike. As it stands though, buying another bike and running it still works out cheaper than running the car every day and I don't have to worry about jams either. Gonna have to think long and hard about this one.

Cheers all, Jon.
Ah man that sucks totally!

My mate has a beemer like that, it's a masterpice.

As to roundabouts ... that's just really wierd? I understand the roundabout concept, but this defeats me :confused:

But whenever i hit roundabout or left turn, i'm always NOT in the cars lane, usually extreme left of lane, so when they jump into traffic flow, to the right, well they can have their right of way.

Strongs to you both!!!
Wavex - i'v lived in the UK all my life and i have never seen that kind of Round About... I guess i don't get out much - lol. If i stare at it too long, man it makes me go all giddy...:eek:

RE Cagers - i'm a part time car driver... When i was being taught to ride, the first thing the instructor told us was, Motorcycle riders are safer/better Car Drivers cause we Look at the Road and around, Blind Spots etc. [key word, we look]... I drive like I ride, give way/make room for fellow riders where possible… I can’t say that about others on the road tho(!). I’m defo more vigilant when around a bike, whether its behind or in front of me.

My name is VJ and i'm a Car driver and a Motorcycle rider [rehab talk lol]. More so a Motorcycle rider [99%] :BLAA: Perhaps knocking all Car drivers is not 100% correct.

i dunno, maybe its just me... the vibe im getting from all 100% motorcycle riders.. sorry chaps, i don't want to sound like i'm defending the guy that ran into Jon and his Dad...

Jon - hope ya on the mend, and your Dad too...
