What scares you the most?

Cagers that don't keep the necessary braking distance for their current speed.

I particularly find this unnerving when in the cage myself as I can't get away from the traffic like I would on the bike. I have a sign in the back of the car reminding the driver behind me that the minimum braking distance at 70 km/h is 25 meters and it does make people back off when they read it.
Oh and... Baboons

Out of all the animals I've worked with, I have to say that I dislike working with baboons the most. (I also listed being scared of monkey, which includes baboons) The one I work with is very temperamental and touchy, and when he screams it sounds like a banshee is coming to steal my soul. If I was in the jungle and heard that scream, I would know what it was, but I would still be extremely scared.
Cagers that don't keep the necessary braking distance for their current speed.

I particularly find this unnerving when in the cage myself as I can't get away from the traffic like I would on the bike. I have a sign in the back of the car reminding the driver behind me that the minimum braking distance at 70 km/h is 25 meters and it does make people back off when they read it.
Yeah, also known as "tailgating." And you know what? I'll bet many of these tailgaters think that they're skilled and fast reflex drivers, almost trying to show off and wanting to say to everybody: "Look at me, see how close and fast I'm traveling going at 75MPH. I'm NASCAR material." Unfortunately, in an emergency split second situation these kind of overconfident drivers have precluded themselves from executing a successful defensive manuever called "braking" because they miscalculated the time it will take avoid crashing. That's the real test, and not showing how little distance you can put between you and the vehicle in front of you.
In no particular order:

- Pygmy monkeys wielding feather dusters.

- Female bodybuilders who use the "men's" room.

- High altitude EMP burst.

- Zombies.

- Running out of ammo.

- Liberals.
Grossly obese "chicks" in spandex:eek:

Big a$$ Hardley riders that don't know what a friggin yellow line is..:rant: