What scares you the most?


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2008
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San Diego, CA
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Cagers that don't pay attention.

I had two incidents yesterday. The first one I was on my bike and it was obvious two lanes were merging into one and I was ahead of a cager and she passed me and didn't even see me. I tried to glare at her be she didn't even notice I was next to her.

The other: I was driving an 18-wheeler and some van parked on the side of the road never even looked as it pulled out in front me on the freeway. I had to brake and downshift as it slowly picked up speed. IDIOTS!

I feel as if I'm a competent rider but it's the unpredictable that scares me. Not a whole lot but enough to keep me scanning all the time. I guess that's a good thing.

I bet it's the cagers fault most of the time as they're not paying attention.

What scares you?
Riders who fail to use their horn due to their inexperience. The use of the horn should come natural as putting on your turn signal or hitting the brakes. You don't even think, you just automatically do it when you are in the beginning process of executing your necessary corrective measures. Not after the fact when it's too late. Let everyone know around you that somebody just F'd up or is about to!

Riders who fails to wear proper gear.

Riders who are stubborn and fail to learn the necessary measures to safely operate a motorycyle in all riding environments.
What scares you?
I try to live life as fearlessly as possible. I dont concentrate on my fears nor do i let them get the better of me. Its takes lots of meditation and self control and a very strong willed mind to do this but it is worth it, its what "they" should have teached us in school...
This reminds me of a bash.org quote:

Chelly: What is your biggest fear?
JasonRene: living long enough to become isolated from anyone who cares about me, and then dying alone.
Chelly: :(
JasonRene: You asked ;)
Chelly: I know
Chelly: I was expecting something like spiders.
Almost had two accidents. One with an R1 trying to overtake me on a roundabout! Sooo stupid and pointless. The other with a bmw 1200 while filtering traffic. My fault for not doing lifesaver. My worst fear is other motorcycles. Then Cagers.
The rising cost of living........................:spank:

Fuel :eek:
tyres :eek:
Food :(
Nappies :(

in that order

Those cagers that move without any signal. From ANY direction ... especially u-turns (the most common bike killer here)

Bad roads, oil, sand, diesel, etc.

Not having petrol to go for a ride ... most common prob.
Well I guess that my fears are a little off of what this posting is asking but, my biggest fear is either getting shot in combat and not making it home or maybe just dying period. Not because of not knowing where I'm going when im gone, but I'm afraid of leaving my wife and son and them having a hard life because of that. I know not everyone will understand what I am saying but, the ones with spouses and kids will. Other than that NEEDLES, and SPIDERS!!
I dont let riding scare me or else I just wouldnt bother with it. But when the same woman pulled out in front of me on a roundabout for the 3rd time in 2 weeks I did start to feel a touch paranoid.:confused:
Myself, I guess.

When I'm riding it is my responsibility to know what stupid thing that cager is going to do before they do it. If they take me out I'm taking a big part of the blame.

So, my fear is that I'll lose focus for a second and fall prey to somebody else's stupid move. I have lost focus or pushed beyond my skill level and managed to stay upright.... barely. I don't like feeling "lucky" after that happens. I'd rather feel "fully aware and in control."
Wildlife. Never encountered any on a bike before, other than neighborhood dogs. I'm afraid cager-instinct will take over and I'll swerve like a maniac or overbrake and do something to throw myself off. Then you have nothing to explain yourself with...

"But there was a deer!" :(

"Sure there was..." :rolleyes:
Riders who fail to use their horn due to their inexperience. The use of the horn should come natural as putting on your turn signal or hitting the brakes. You don't even think, you just automatically do it when you are in the beginning process of executing your necessary corrective measures. Not after the fact when it's too late. Let everyone know around you that somebody just F'd up or is about to!

Riders who fails to wear proper gear.

Riders who are stubborn and fail to learn the necessary measures to safely operate a motorycyle in all riding environments.
Vegasrider: right you are! I often cover my horn button when I sense potential trouble. And, this applies also when I'm driving my van. Runner up fear: somebody making a left w/o seeing me. I slow down (or don't speed up), watch for other driver eye contact, cover my brakes/horn in these situations.