What Immobiliser is fitted as standard?


No Man is an Ireland.
Jul 25, 2007
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Republic Of Ireland
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Hello everyone,

Because I will be looking for insurance quite soon when I buy this new bike I am obviously in search of a good price. The FZ6 Fazer S2 comes with an immobiliser as standard but they dont say what make this immobiliser is. Is it a Meta Immobiliser and if so, what model?? And can I upgrade this to a full Tatchem (spelling!!!) approved system (alarm and immobilizer) and how much would I expect to pay for this...in british pounds?

Thanks for any help! :):thumbup:
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Not sure that it has an immobiliser 'per se'. The key has a transponder gadget in it, so the bike will not start unless you have the correct mechanically shaped key with the appropriate code programmed into it.

From new the bike (later models anyway) comes with 3 keys two standard keys & a red master key - can't quite remember why it's so important, but don't lose the red key or else you'll need to buy an new ECU c. a grand sterling. Hope this drivelling helps :D
Standard immobiliser is a Y.I.S.S.
Or Yamaha Ignition Security System, and it is Thatcham approved.
And when I did my insurance on-line with E-bike , it was the only system that came up when you click "Factory Fitted Immobiliser" .
Neil. :thumbup:

I wonder if the steering lock is part of that. I know when I park my bike i turn the forks left and lock the forks. In addition there is also an imobilizer so nobody can hot wire it? interesting.
hey Neil from UK, my name is Neil and i'm from the US. Almost a rare name anymore. Good to meet you mate =) cheers to you /raises a pint*
Haha well god help us all...there's now two neils!! :) Joking!!

Thanks so much Neil UK!! :) I think I'll be going for e-bike this year...great to know its the YISS as i've seen it on there. I'm not yet resident in the UK (NI included of course! :)) so this whole UK insurance scene is very new to me.

I've gotten quotes from e-bike and Carole Nash but most others have refused me. This is probably due to the fact that the bike will not be garaged but I will have datatag, a Meta Alarm, Oxford Thatchem approved chain and disc lock and this YISS immobiliser installed...so hopefully this will drive down the inscrewance!! :)
Wow do you guys really have that big of a problem with bikes being stolen?

I feel sorry for you. I park mine out all day at work and never worry about it. I don't ever hear of anyone having their bikes stolen.

Now there was a guy tried to steal a pick-up out of a driveway here but the owner heard him, got his shot-gun and went outside and shot him.

Wow do you guys really have that big of a problem with bikes being stolen?

I feel sorry for you. I park mine out all day at work and never worry about it. I don't ever hear of anyone having their bikes stolen.

Now there was a guy tried to steal a pick-up out of a driveway here but the owner heard him, got his shot-gun and went outside and shot him.


A recent article in on of the bike publicstion over here sugessted that 25% of bikes on the road in the UK were stolen or ringers.

We had a right hoo-ha here a few years ago, a guy called George Martin shot two intruders inside his home in the early hours with a shotgun. One of the intruders was a 16 year old boy, who died. The other an adult who was seriously injured. The survivor went to jail & so did George Martin for the unlawful killing of the boy. We don't have the same rights over here to bear arms, but this guy was a farmer with a licensed gun. Martin did about 5 years I think, most people consider him a folk hero!
Yeah gun laws are very very strict here in Ireland too...To be safe I dont even talk about home security...its just not worth having my licence removed. I'll stick to my bike alarms and biker friends to get a stolen bike recovered. We had a biker lose their bike one night to four guys in a van. A neighbour took note of the van reg and from that alone everyone was arrested and the bike recovered undamaged!! :)
The bikes that are most commonly stolen here in the US are Harleys. As to how safe your bike is matters on where you live in the US. There are some areas that are so bad that no matter what your ride is it will probably disappear if left unattended for more than a few hours!! But for the most part it is unusual to have a motorcycle stolen here in the US.
If you can't even defend your family and/or property.................that is jacked up. I don't care how old you are. And a 16 year old knows good and well what he's doing. He got what he deserved. Seems real simple to me don't steal other peoples property and you won't get shot. Its unbelievable that the victim went to jail.

I fear the East and West coast are heading in that direction here also.
Well would you believe that if a person breaks into your home, climbs your stairs with a knife in their hand and you hurt them in any way then they can sue you for assault!! Thats Ireland for you!!
Well would you believe that if a person breaks into your home, climbs your stairs with a knife in their hand and you hurt them in any way then they can sue you for assault!! Thats Ireland for you!!

UK's the same. You mustn't injure or violate the human rights of the criminal! It doesn't matter about the rights of the victims apparently :mad:
There is a loophole though in our law but I'm not disclosing it here. It was introduced recently by our "amazing" (did you notice the sarcasm there!! :)) defence minister. It basically states that you have the right to use reasonable force against someone who enters your home...so you see...the law is wide open and it is down to the judge who oversees your case to determine whether reasonable or unreasonable force was used.

I always laugh at this judicial approach because if you are faced with a man/woman who has a knife or gun in your own home your not going to politely invite them to sit down and have some sweet cake and tea now are ya!! Its a funny world we live in!! Just remember:

#1: dont defend yourself because if you do theres a good chance your freedom will be taken from you for months or years in a nice jail and by doing nothing you may get seriously injured or die.

#2: Defend yourself, dont get injured and get sued by the intruder for attacking them

#3: Defend yourself and kill the intruder and you go to jail

#4: Defend yourself and your found innocent as you acted in self defence.

To me...thats a one in four chance of coming out of such a situation on the right side of the law and life. Now where's the justice in that to have the right to live and be safe in your own home. If things were more clear cut crime would reduce instead of bringing in all these futile laws that protect the people who enter your home to relieve you of your possessions which you have spent your good time saving up to buy.

I dont think "the right to bear arms" would work all that well here in Ireland, its a foundation stone in the american way of life and it works in alot of cases over there but people haven't got a clue about protection over here...sure pepperspray is illegal here!!...and even are those telescopic battons!! Sure we may just carry around wooden spoons and beat their bottoms when they come at you with a knife! (that is a joke by the way! :):)...I'd rather carry a fork!!)
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Alternatively, you can break all their arms and legs and tape up their mouths and dump them up in the mountains, or better still, bury them in a bog where they might be found in a thousand years! :rockon:
Hi Guys, My dealer advised me that the red key was to do with the imobiliser. Phil is right about the red key being used to programme the system. My dealer said that if I lost the red key I would need to fork out £600.00 for a new ignition and loom:eek:Hi. The imobiliser is the thatcham approved system. In addition I have a data tool system six. It cost £300.00. Neil (another one)
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Alternatively, you can break all their arms and legs and tape up their mouths and dump them up in the mountains, or better still, bury them in a bog where they might be found in a thousand years! :rockon:
I know a lovely spot just outside Kilkormac Co Offaly. Buried alive would be my preference
I always laugh at this judicial approach because if you are faced with a man/woman who has a knife or gun in your own home your not going to politely invite them to sit down and have some sweet cake and tea now are ya!! Its a funny world we live in!! Just remember:

#1: dont defend yourself because if you do theres a good chance your freedom will be taken from you for months or years in a nice jail and by doing nothing you may get seriously injured or die.

#2: Defend yourself, dont get injured and get sued by the intruder for attacking them

#3: Defend yourself and kill the intruder and you go to jail

#4: Defend yourself and your found innocent as you acted in self defence.

To me...thats a one in four chance of coming out of such a situation on the right side of the law and life. Now where's the justice in that to have the right to live and be safe in your own home. If things were more clear cut crime would reduce instead of bringing in all these futile laws that protect the people who enter your home to relieve you of your possessions which you have spent your good time saving up to buy.
