What did you do to your FZ today?

i just got my bar end mirrors (ebay) and mounted them...monday i'm mounting the headlight, custom gauges bracket, and shortening the harness for those, almost completing the naked look i'm goin for.
I just installed a new Fiamm Freeway Blaster horn (which sounds great), a K&N filter, and some Grip Puppies grip pull ons.
Wash, lubed clutch and throttle cables, and adjusted the CO settings (+20 on both) :thumbup:

Also broke one of the spade connectors off the back of the powerlet plug I had installed in the side panel of the underseat tray :spank:

...now I have at something else to do another day.
Well tonight i was feeling a bit crap, so i decided the best thing to do was polish! Yep, when the Wolf gets pi$$ed off, he cleans his bike!

My rear wheel has not been polished properly for quite some time....and adding in the fact that i had a new rear tyre fitted the other day, the rim was covered in grease, and general crap, so it was time to polish it...

Easiest way to do it is take the wheel out....and remove the brake disc, and sprocket....didnt do the brake disc tonight, as i had no torque wrench available to re-attach it properly after...

But anyway, gave it a good hand polish, didnt get the drill out, and the polishing kit...as the drill was not at the workshop...doh!

Also gave the rear sprocket a good clean too...came up a treat, considering it's been on the bike for 10000km's.....good quality kit from GYTR....is a little bit scalloped, but not tragic as yet, wear wise.

Here's some pics of the finished items.
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I feel much better now that i have cleaned something!

Yesterday I installed my new frame sliders and gave it a good wash and wax to get ready for today. Today I rode from Knoxville to Robbinsville, NC via the Foothills Pkwy and "The Dragon". I came back via the Cherohala Skyway, one of the best motorcycle roads in the eastern US. Everyone talks about the Dragon, but I'll take the Skyway any day. 50 miles of sweepers, few if any LEOs, beautiful scenery and a tenth the traffic of Deal's Gap, what's not to love. All in all, a great day on a great bike.
Fixed it and got riding again! Sure took me long enough:spank: Switched back to stock handlebars from CBR1100 clipons. Also cleaned and retensioned the chain. Got my front wheel back from my friend with a new tire on it. Made sure all the fork bolts were torqued and locktited on. Finally I got to take it out riding for a couple hours:thumbup:
Got new tires Dunlop Roadsmarts installed a new sprockets 15t front and stock in back installed a speedohealer and throttlemeisters now to scrub in those tires:D
started my hard luggage system testing.

Well, yesterday I installed my Yamaha Lower Cowl. Now, all I am waiting for are my new levers and I will be pretty much done...for the time being.