What can you say you have done....

I've managed top hit myself in the head with a double bit axe.....
:eek: A guy who lived a couple doors down from me was up in a tree cutting branches with a chainsaw, a kickback threw the blade into his head, fatal... :(
I have been knocked out cold in a softball game (right fielder/2nd baseman collision)

I have had my car totaled by a train (the T in Boston...green line)

Had both feet run over by a pick-up truck

Ran the Boston Marthon as a walk-on

rode a bicycle 52 mph

know how to use a slide rule

fell during MSF motorcycle course

built a log raft and used it to explore a lake

figured a mirror and built a telescope around it

wore a calculator on my belt and thought it was cool (at the time)

Climbed and desended the stairs in both the Washington Monument and the Statue of Liberty

Been to the top of the Statue of Liberty, the World Trade Center and the Sears Tower
These are very entertaining...

- Split a man's chest open and massaged his heart to keep him alive while rolling to the OR
- Survived an 80+mph roll over coming home from Lake Tahoe (almost a year in a wheelchair though)
- Survived throwing my bike off Big Bear Mountain (thanks Cali-Rider and Wavex for being there for me)
- Took a hot lap in the Long Beach Gran Prix pace car, Dodge Viper, before the races
- Got arrested (temporarily) for literally accidentally churping my tires in the cage in front of a sherriff. No joke, my foot slipped off the clutch while starting to feather it out. They let me go after an hour; I think they just wanted to scare me.
- Got tackled by Secret Service at the Richard Nixon Library - long story
- Met some of the most amazing riders I've ever known through this forum in SoCal. Miss you guys.

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-Jumped out of a plane at 10,000 feet.
-Repelled from a helicopter
-Flew a helicopter
-Saw the Mona Lisa
-Married a beautiful woman
-Have a beautiful daughter
-Got in a hit and run on my first FZ6 (kept all my body parts, barely)
-Met Jimmy Carter(aunt worked for him)
-Met Ronald Reagan (uncle was the longest held american hostage in
Lenanon Terry Anderson)
-Flipped a 1972 Camaro 7 times ang walked away from it.
* Been Scuba Diving in the living seas aquarium in Disney World Fl 2 times
* Raced ATV Flat track and finished 3rd overall in points my first year!
* Raced Motocross
* Drove a brand new Corvette to Prom (2002)
* Have Gotten a title promotion every year I have worked for my current employer. 3 years, 4 different titles
* Paid off my fz6 in 5 months at 22 years old
* Paid off my 08 XB in 3 years at 24 years old
* Worked in 24 of our states in 3 years.
* Photographed way too many rich peoples kids to count...
* Almost taken out 2 different times on Cali freeways at 70mph
* Been with the love of my life for 8 years
* One of the most successful of the people I graduated high school with...
* Paid off my college loans 7 years early
* Taught a buddy's wife how to ride a motorcycle
* Went to Disney World 4 times before I was 16
* Went scuba diving with the Manatees in Crystal River Fl.
* My pick of any new Yamaha 4 stroke snowmobile 1996-2006 (Dad was a Yamaha Dealer)
* My pick of any new Yamaha motorcycle 1996-2006 (Dad was a Yamaha Dealer)
* Tore the Meniscus in my left knee 3 times
* Burned my left leg 2 different times from exhaust (first was dads 1996 Royal Star, second was a Banshee this past august)

I'm sure there's more....
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I've done so many wonderful things....

I married a wonderful man who I started dating at aged 17 :)

I've driven V8 supercars with Stephen Richards, Greg Murphy, Jason Bargwanna and Cameron McConville

I've gone white water rafting in New Zealand

I live in the beautiful Chittering Valley in the most beautiful country in the world

I've seen David Bowie, INXS, Metallica, Jamiroquai, Justin Timberlake, The Who and more live in concert

I've met David Peachy, Brett Kimmorley, Phil Bailey and most of the 2006 Cronulla Rugby League team :)

I've met Alex Barros, Loris Capirossi, James Toseland, Roberto Rolfo, Daijiro Kato, Mick Doohan, Randy Mamola and probably another 30 of the worlds great racers

I also met God, not the religious God, but my God - I have met, shaken hands and had photos taken with VALENTINO ROSSI 4 times :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

Gotta say, I love my life :)
Lots of cool / stupid / interesting things come to mind, but since the title is "What can you say you have done that no one else has?" I think this one takes the cake for me (no pun intended)

- In one day: Baked cheesecake, brownies and oatmeal cookies and then rotated tires and did an oil change :D
:eek: A guy who lived a couple doors down from me was up in a tree cutting branches with a chainsaw, a kickback threw the blade into his head, fatal... :(

I come from a long line of risk takers.....

My oldest brother fell off a ladder in his driveway, after trying to repair wind damaged shingles on his roof. Over his garage, from the driveway. Two stories, into pavement. Much damage, months in a wheelchair, now one leg is shorter than the other.

My next oldest brother mistakenly installed a gas water heater on a propane system. These do not have a check valve, for when the pressure in the tank varies. Tried to re-light the pilot. No eyebrows, eyelashes, beard...... he's rolled a 4WD farm tractor as well.

That double bladed axe thing was when I was about 14, and all I was trying to do was split off a small piece of overcut on a stump. Small brush axe, maybe 2.5 foot handle. Swung with all my might, and hit that small overhanging piece of (white oak) wood. That axe bounced off it just as fast as it had hit it, and stopped when it whacked me in the forehead. I'm very, very glad that the edge was dull.

If you use chain saws long enough, you will eventually trim something you didn't intend to... I've nicked the toes of boots more than once.

Felling trees is easy; trying to get the darn thing to go where you want it to, when you want it to, is the hard part.

know how to use a slide rule.......figured a mirror and built a telescope around it

wore a calculator on my belt and thought it was cool (at the time)

Climbed and desended the stairs in both the Washington Monument and the Statue of Liberty

Been to the top of the Statue of Liberty, the World Trade Center and the Sears Tower

I'd be willing to bet the tops of the three towers you mention here is going to be very nearly unique. I did the statue of liberty with my family in the mid 1960's could't get past her belt line, as I recall.

I was very proud of my circular slide rule. :thumbup:
#1 - Married the love of my life this year (no one else has married her... and now never will! :D)
#2 - Was awarded my Country's Meritorious Service Medal for actions in Afghanistan The Governor General of Canada - Decorations
#3 - Performed 'ditch medicine' after the Earthquake in Haiti, due to a critical shortage of medical equipment
#4 - Participated in active military missions on aircraft, with land units, and with naval forces
#5 - Met the Governor General
#6 - Was personally given a 3 night, all inclusive hotel suite package by my Chief of the Defence Staff
#7 - Met my PM
#8 - Wrecked my '84 Honda Nighthawk... broke my right wrist, and dislocated my left shoulder... (try wiping you butt after that :D)
#9 - Performed life saving medical treatments while being shot at with at lease one recoil-less anti-tank weapon system, in conjunction with multiple small arms weapons
#10 - was injured when accidentally strafed by an allied warplane
#11 - Did a 3 week white water canoe trip down the Nahanni River in the NWT (one of Canada's UNESCO sites) Nahanni National Park - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
#12 - Scuba dove to at least 100 feet two Oceans (Atlantic and Pacific) and one Sea (Mediterranean)
#13 - Visited, lived, or worked in 18 different countries
#14 - Have been in almost every province/territory in Canada - the True North Strong and Free :canada:
#15 - Met some awesome people on this Forum (no-one else has, because I claimed it first! :D)
Travelled to Europe with my Girlfriend at 19 years old, and did 26000km's with just her, a bike, a tent, and lots of very smelly clothes by the end of it...

Highsided a bike at 140kph....

Ridden between 2 trucks at 240kph, with a pillion onboard!

Was "minder" for all the Grid Girls at the Clipsal 500 for 8 years...got to ride in the pace car every year, just before the Race started...

Performed as a DJ to over 300000 people in the last 4 years!

Was on the front page of just about every Sunday Paper in Australia at age 17, for jumping the fence after a major football game and punching a Footballer in the head....captured by the TV camera's! It was a dare, and i was 17!!! But it did get me a lot of free beer...cause the guy i hit was a "turd"!

Am a work from home Dad, who gets to spend bucket loads of time with both my anazing kids!

Possibly own the most "over-invested" upon, FZ6 around...and i cant stop!

I hold the record for the fastest 100 in Adelaide Turf Cricket...28 balls, ten 6's, ten 4's, and one single! i got out the next ball after running for the single, cause i was hungover, and i felt sick! in fact i was throwing up in my mouth as the bowler bowled the ball!

I played in an Aussie Rules Grand Final with a fractured hip....not smart!

Ridden 2 up with Ozzieboy for about 100km's....not once did we touch!

- Got married and have the best wife and family a person could want.
- Saw Bryan Adams live before he was famous, opening for Loverboy. :rockon:
- Got pulled over on my go-cart that I built by the popo driving on the streets when I was 16.
- Did a 180° hitting a patch of black ice on an icy uphill doing 100kph in the middle of traffic in both directions, stopped against the snow bank facing the opposite direction. :eek:
- Saw one of the Canadian Snowbirds flying acrobatic team members crash and die through my camera lens. :(
- Fell off the chair lift skiing in Lake Louise.
- Took a spill into a dried creek bed crossing a small wooden plank bridge at the bottom of a gully doing 25kph because the seat post on my mountain bike broke in my first race. Flat on my back looking at two paramedics, they asked "are you all right?" My response, "is my bike okay?".
- Live in a city with the largest mall, (used to be).
- Got to take a ride in a Waco open c0ckpit bi-plane. :thumbup:
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Travelled to Europe with my Girlfriend at 19 years old, and did 26000km's with just her, a bike, a tent, and lots of very smelly clothes by the end of it...

Highsided a bike at 140kph....

Ridden between 2 trucks at 240kph, with a pillion onboard!

Was "minder" for all the Grid Girls at the Clipsal 500 for 8 years...got to ride in the pace car every year, just before the Race started...

Performed as a DJ to over 300000 people in the last 4 years!

Was on the front page of just about every Sunday Paper in Australia at age 17, for jumping the fence after a major football game and punching a Footballer in the head....captured by the TV camera's! It was a dare, and i was 17!!! But it did get me a lot of free beer...cause the guy i hit was a "turd"!

Am a work from home Dad, who gets to spend bucket loads of time with both my anazing kids!

Possibly own the most "over-invested" upon, FZ6 around...and i cant stop!

I hold the record for the fastest 100 in Adelaide Turf Cricket...28 balls, ten 6's, ten 4's, and one single! i got out the next ball after running for the single, cause i was hungover, and i felt sick! in fact i was throwing up in my mouth as the bowler bowled the ball!

I played in an Aussie Rules Grand Final with a fractured hip....not smart!

Ridden 2 up with Ozzieboy for about 100km's....not once did we touch!

I was waiting for yours lol.
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Stayed awake for over 36 hours

Learned how to ride a unicycle

took over 700 pictures in 6 days

Became unofficially adopted by 8 year old Aussie twin boys

Cursed at my foreman in Japanese, by accident
have not done too much still a youngin...just turned 24...but in my time in the army..i flew in some areas i cannot talk about goin max speed doing MOE (map of the earth) manuvers..pissed out of a ch47 chinook at 5000 ft above savannah g.a hahahahaha..
was fired at and engaged several...umm.."terrorists"...
fired an M134 mini-gun....
fired said mini-gun at a chevrolet silverado from 2000 ft..
had an oh $hit moment when flying..i.e pinged by a SAM while flying M.O.E
made the transition from crusier to sport and made it bike number 5
I was on a C130 that hit a pine tree while trying to landing in Norway. I was looking out of a side window and whatched the wing cave in as we hit the tree.

Chased Robie Reynard around a motorcross track to isuue him a proper beat down, he put me in the weeds.:spank:

Raced pro class my first flat track race and finished next to last.

I have been in the Army for 25yrs.:america: