West Virginia is the best Virginia


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Feb 4, 2011
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West Virginia
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Hey all. I'm kinda new to the forum and looking for members that live in/near the eastern panhandle of WV to ride with. Reply or PM to set something up.

Thanks for reading this far.
maybe since you put "the best virginia" in the title it confused some of them. they thought you were talking about the real virginia. :BLAA:

i grew up in chesapeake, va.
Ask anyone who has ridden roads in both, they'll tell which is Virginia is the best one Dean :D

Yea, I'd still call central WV home if i had my way about it.

West Virginia
No matter which direction I ride the bike all the roads have curves but it is still snowing here.
lol I left the house this morning at 11:30am or so and just made it back, we had a heat wave, 55 degrees! Tomorrow is supposed to be even better but I have to work :(

I love my new helmet, zox modular. it is so much quieter and comfortable than my other one.
Why are radar detectors illegal in Virginia?

Virginia has some strange laws when it comes to speeding and radar detectors. As soon as you cross the state line there is one sign after another the first few miles telling you what all you are going to get tickets for lol. It is the only state I have seen that has line of warning signs like that ha ha. My friend moved down there and you can not even have an air freshener hanging off your rear view mirror or parking permit. If I was told correctly the speeding ticket cost for residents something insane and for out of state travelers it is about the same cost as everywhere else.



Virginia to issue traffic fines as high as $3,000
Updated 6/29/2007 7:41 AM | Comments 44 | Recommend 33 E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints & Permissions | Subscribe to stories like this


Virginia will institute "civil remedial fees" for Virginia residents who commit driving violations. These are on top of other fines imposed by state law. Some of the new fees:

Fee (made over three payments)

• Driving on a suspended license: $750

• Reckless driving (such as aggressive driving): $1,050

• Driving under the influence and related offenses: $2,250

• Felony convictions (such as leaving an accident scene): $3,000

Source: Virginia court system

What's this?

By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY
Virginia is for lovers, or so the state slogan has declared since 1969. Starting Sunday, Virginia also will be the home of the $3,000 traffic ticket.

In an effort to raise money for road projects, the state will start hitting residents who commit serious traffic offenses with huge civil penalties.

The new civil charges will range from $750 to $3,000 and be added to existing fines and court costs. The civil penalty for going 20 mph over the speed limit will be $1,050, plus $61 in court costs and a fine that is typically about $200.

Virginia's traffic law is one of several thousand new state laws that take effect Sunday. Jan. 1 and July 1 are the most popular dates for state laws to become official.

July 1 is especially popular for new taxes and fees because it's the start of the budget year in 46 states. For example, Arkansas will cut its sales tax on groceries from 6% to 3% Sunday.

Virginia's new traffic penalties are expected to raise $65 million a year and are part of an effort to improve the state's roads without raising taxes.

A first-time drunken driver will face a $2,250 civil penalty, plus fines and court costs that typically run about $500 or more. Driving without a license? That's a mandatory $900 civil penalty, in addition to the ordinary $100 for a fine and court costs.

"It's outrageous," says traffic court attorney Thaddeus Furlong of Springfield, Va. "When Mr. and Mrs. Middle Class find out what they have to pay, there's going to be a backlash like you've never seen."

Some other states impose extra civil penalties for traffic offenses, but the cost is usually $100 or $200, Furlong says. "What sets this apart is the Draconian size of the civil penalties," he says.

Another difference: The civil penalties apply only to Virginia residents, not out-of-state drivers. Virginians must pay in three installments over 26 months or lose their licenses. The state Legislature didn't think it could enforce the extra penalties in other states.

Motorist club AAA Mid-Atlantic supports the new penalties.

"These penalties are harsh, but normal fines haven't gotten people to drive sanely. Maybe this will," says Lon Anderson, spokesman for AAA Mid-Atlantic.

He says the new law will help reduce the nearly 1,000 traffic deaths the state records annually.

"We wish motorists didn't have to pay more, but the fact is Virginia's transportation trust fund is broke," Anderson says.

Other new laws or fees around the USA:
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Virginia has some strange laws when it comes to speeding and radar detectors. As soon as you cross the state line there is one sign after another the first few miles telling you what all you are going to get tickets for lol. It is the only state I have seen that has line of warning signs like that ha ha. My friend moved down there and you can not even have an air freshener hanging off your rear view mirror or parking permit. If I was told correctly the speeding ticket cost for residents something insane and for out of state travelers it is about the same cost as everywhere else.

Virginia Introduces $3550 Speeding Ticket

speeding fines for in state residents of virginia - Google Search

Virginia to issue traffic fines as high as $3,000
Updated 6/29/2007 7:41 AM | Comments 44 | Recommend 33 E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints & Permissions | Subscribe to stories like this


Virginia will institute "civil remedial fees" for Virginia residents who commit driving violations. These are on top of other fines imposed by state law. Some of the new fees:

Fee (made over three payments)

• Driving on a suspended license: $750

• Reckless driving (such as aggressive driving): $1,050

• Driving under the influence and related offenses: $2,250

• Felony convictions (such as leaving an accident scene): $3,000

Source: Virginia court system

What's this?

By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY
Virginia is for lovers, or so the state slogan has declared since 1969. Starting Sunday, Virginia also will be the home of the $3,000 traffic ticket.

In an effort to raise money for road projects, the state will start hitting residents who commit serious traffic offenses with huge civil penalties.

The new civil charges will range from $750 to $3,000 and be added to existing fines and court costs. The civil penalty for going 20 mph over the speed limit will be $1,050, plus $61 in court costs and a fine that is typically about $200.

Virginia's traffic law is one of several thousand new state laws that take effect Sunday. Jan. 1 and July 1 are the most popular dates for state laws to become official.

July 1 is especially popular for new taxes and fees because it's the start of the budget year in 46 states. For example, Arkansas will cut its sales tax on groceries from 6% to 3% Sunday.

Virginia's new traffic penalties are expected to raise $65 million a year and are part of an effort to improve the state's roads without raising taxes.

A first-time drunken driver will face a $2,250 civil penalty, plus fines and court costs that typically run about $500 or more. Driving without a license? That's a mandatory $900 civil penalty, in addition to the ordinary $100 for a fine and court costs.

"It's outrageous," says traffic court attorney Thaddeus Furlong of Springfield, Va. "When Mr. and Mrs. Middle Class find out what they have to pay, there's going to be a backlash like you've never seen."

Some other states impose extra civil penalties for traffic offenses, but the cost is usually $100 or $200, Furlong says. "What sets this apart is the Draconian size of the civil penalties," he says.

Another difference: The civil penalties apply only to Virginia residents, not out-of-state drivers. Virginians must pay in three installments over 26 months or lose their licenses. The state Legislature didn't think it could enforce the extra penalties in other states.

Motorist club AAA Mid-Atlantic supports the new penalties.

"These penalties are harsh, but normal fines haven't gotten people to drive sanely. Maybe this will," says Lon Anderson, spokesman for AAA Mid-Atlantic.

He says the new law will help reduce the nearly 1,000 traffic deaths the state records annually.

"We wish motorists didn't have to pay more, but the fact is Virginia's transportation trust fund is broke," Anderson says.

Other new laws or fees around the USA:

None of that is true. Those stupid fines were thrown out before they even made it to law.

I live in North/Central Virginia and so long as you keep 5 over on the highways any time there is a chance of a speed trap you will be fine. I have only been pulled over on backroads for speeding one time (15 over) in the 16 years I've been driving in Virginia. It was on a Friday night and he let me off with a warning because he was really looking for DUI's not speeders. I love riding the central and western mountains in Virginia but will agree that if I really want to have fun riding without going too far away I would choose the George Washington National Forest areas of WV ever time! I have spent several full days riding in WV and never once have I seen a cop running a speed trap there. :rockon:
None of that is true. Those stupid fines were thrown out before they even made it to law.

I live in North/Central Virginia and so long as you keep 5 over on the highways any time there is a chance of a speed trap you will be fine. I have only been pulled over on backroads for speeding one time (15 over) in the 16 years I've been driving in Virginia. It was on a Friday night and he let me off with a warning because he was really looking for DUI's not speeders. I love riding the central and western mountains in Virginia but will agree that if I really want to have fun riding without going too far away I would choose the George Washington National Forest areas of WV ever time! I have spent several full days riding in WV and never once have I seen a cop running a speed trap there. :rockon:

google "world's largest speed trap" with the quotes lol. That is where i live :( they are not too bad to the locals though, I have been lucky so far.
google "world's largest speed trap" with the quotes lol. That is where i live :( they are not too bad to the locals though, I have been lucky so far.

I know exactly what you mean!!! Every time I drove through your area I'd start sweating like i had a sign on my car that said "pull me over" and do 1 under the limit. I'm surprised I never got pulled for "looking suspicious" since I'd be checking my mirrors almost more than the road in front of me. Its not rare to see 4-8 cops in a 10 mile stretch :Flip:. Good luck keeping lucky mrphotoman :thumbup:!
check the "meetup" web site for riding groups in your area. I belong to a few in the Tampa area.

Personally not a big fan of riding groups. I would rather ride with people I know and can trust.
Still no luck getting to ride with any of you guys, but I'm not giving up.

I am local Hedgesville but unfortunatly I very rarely get time to just ride for fun.

I also spend 90% of my M/C seat time commuting. That's why I'm looking for riding company. I want to enjoy my "joy riding" to the fullest.