


Alright, now's your chance to make me really jealous! I walked to work this morning, 1 hour at -17C (1.4F) with a windchill to -26C(-14.8). It got colder all day long and now sits at -25C(-13F) with a windchill to -37C(-34.8F).:(

How is it where you live? I am READY for spring and I don't yet own a FZ6! Soon, though.

well it was sunny an mid 60's here... yes many folks here were complaining about the cold weather...

ahhh the tough part of living in FL ... riding the FZ6 all year provides little time to do mods...

actually.... the summers here are HOT
Alright, now's your chance to make me really jealous! I walked to work this morning, 1 hour at -17C (1.4F) with a windchill to -26C(-14.8). It got colder all day long and now sits at -25C(-13F) with a windchill to -37C(-34.8F).:(

How is it where you live? I am READY for spring and I don't yet own a FZ6! Soon, though.

Alex was about 60-65 degrees here today. At about 12pm I had to take my sweater off cause it was a bit warm. :D
How'd that make you feel? ;)
Well at least you don;t have your fz6 yet, i bought mine and had to put it away for a few months... it is taunting me now....
82°F in my part of SoCal today. Not bad for the middle of January..

Hopefully it's not a hot summer this year. Uh wait, I mean, hopefully it doesn't get over 130 here this summer. ugh....hate the summer.
Its 30.0 according to my thermo out back. It snow flurried this morning. It will be warm enough to ride soon.

I don't think I could live where it is that cold.
Yeah, mild Santa Ana winds for the past 2 days, no humidity, I was outside all day building a new set of gates for my house, the weather ROCKS!

3 rides planned for this week, including a Saturday trip to Willow Springs to watch some early season road racing, damn, LA sure sucks!
Hmmm. I would like to say that you get used to the cold...but cold is cold! We have had a pretty good winter so far, but it turned cold overnight again. Looking forward to going to Vancouver in 2 weeks to make a purchase. Of course, the bike will continue to reside at the dealer until middle to late April. I am going to try missing the last storms of the season in northern BC.

I might have to plan a trip to California in the winter just to escape for a while.

brrrr it got down to the low 40's last night. I actually had to wear pants to work instead of shorts. but dont worry in a few months when it is upper 90's and 100% humidity i will be envying you!
well it was sunny an mid 60's here... yes many folks here were complaining about the cold weather...

ahhh the tough part of living in FL ... riding the FZ6 all year provides little time to do mods...

actually.... the summers here are HOT

I agree mike, i took apart the fz for a little paint and it was down for two-three days and i was dying for a ride!
Hmmm. I would like to say that you get used to the cold...but cold is cold! We have had a pretty good winter so far, but it turned cold overnight again. Looking forward to going to Vancouver in 2 weeks to make a purchase. Of course, the bike will continue to reside at the dealer until middle to late April. I am going to try missing the last storms of the season in northern BC.

I might have to plan a trip to California in the winter just to escape for a while.

I would have thought that living up in that area a dual-sport motorcycle would be more practical. Have something that can go off and on road.
The temperature is supposed to get up to 65 F today, but a cold front is coming through tomorrow and Thursdays high will only be 39 F. The weather man is talking about a possibility of sleet tomorrow night and a lot of people around here are starting to freak out about it! Most around here don't know how to drive on ice or snow. Tornadoes don't seem to scare them too much, but start talking about a little frost on the road, and they freak!!!!:D
I agree that a dual-sport would be very useful here. I just want a nice streetbike first. I can always borrow my fathers '08 KLR if I want to travel the many gravel roads/trails.

It was -25C when I walked this morning. I am really looking forward to riding this summer. MY favorite time is riding at midnight, with sunglasses!

Oh, I'll take ice and snow over tornadoes any day, thanks.

this week in the 30's (deg c ) last week in the 40's where we were going for newyears up the river got to 48 so we stayed home, its been too hot to do much.