ways to get out of a ticket??

I think I've mentioned this before...

Did I ever tell you about the time I met this one cop?

He said, "After busting so many people after all this time, I feel like a "garbage man" for humanity.

I never forgot that conversation.


A cop is like somebody trying to pick crap off the road. It's a humiliating job! Nothing is more worse than trying to pick some crap off the road and...it starts fighting back!

Wouldn't it piss you off if you stopped some rotten scumbags from driving like idiots, but they started acting all smart while lying to your face? God!
I live in the East Lansing area. Adrian (i think) is about 45mins from where i live. If you ever come up with your bike we should set up a ride to one of the state parks on the lake...

[sent from my voyager]

yeah dude...i dunno if i'll be taking my bike when i go!!! but i might be able to work that next summer haha
Did I ever tell you about the time I met this one cop?

He said, \"After busting so many people after all this time, I feel like a \"garbage man\" for humanity.

Dude haven't you heard? They like to be called sanitation engineers :D

Wouldn't it piss you off if you stopped some rotten scumbags from driving like idiots, but they started acting all smart while lying to your face? God![/COLOR]

as a 10 year veteran I could not have said it better
Well, I can't give you advice on how to 'get out' of a ticket, but I can possibly help you to reduce the burden of one. I've gotten pulled over twice in my car, once for speeding, once for making a right on red at a posted intersection... even though there was nobody coming and it was 2am. (grumble)

Anyway... be polite to the cop, don't argue, and do what you're told. But be prepared to take it to the magistrate. Even if you don't have a case... your tax money is paying for the courts, so use em. The first time I went, the cop didn't even show up, so the Judge just threw out the ticket. If he doesn't show, you win... game over. If he does show, ask for leniency or strike a deal... show respect and chances are you'll get it in return.

The second time, the cop cut me a deal (since it WAS 2am and he made me sit around for half an hour) and changed the citation so that it was a fine but no points on my license. The original citation was for running a red-light. In Pennsylvania you can argue most tickets and try to get them to change it to a violation of:
#3111 - Obedience to traffic control devices.

That one carries generally the same fine, but no points... Texas might have a similar section, but either way, it's good to know your local laws if you're going to walk up in front of the magistrate.

I'll tell you how to get out of a traffic ticket: After officer hands it to you, politely tear it up methodically into a bunch of little pieces. Let the pieces slowly fall to the pavement while officer watches. Don't say a thing. Get back on bike and drive off. Seriously, TKarrade has good advice...if you don't mind the hassle. In CA you can also assert your right to "trial by written declaration" which is where you submit your version on paper. You can include evidence such a photo or traffic study reports. At least you might have a chance to win. And, if the officer doesn't respond then it's the same as contesting the charge in court and officer doesn't show up; You win by default.
I got pulled over one time for speeding. I was doing 20 over the speed limit. The trooper came to the side and request the usual and then asked did I know why he pulled me over? I told him no. He said you were speeding then he told me by how much. He then asked why was I speeding? I told him man look I am going to be honest with you. Okay? I wasn't paying any attention to the speedo. My wife sitting next to me I just caught cheating on me and now she has caused me a damn ticket. I can't wait until we get home. Sir just please give me the ticket so I can continue on with getting home. I have had a rough day sry. He leaned down looked at my embarrased wife gave me my stuff and told me to please slow down and pay attention when driving. I told him yes sir and off I went. My wife slapped the **** out of me after we got down the road but told me smooth thinking lol.
The whole thing about officers having to show up in court is bogus in many states. A representative of the officer just has to show up.. IE any sucker rookie they can make go. Somehow his statement is the same as the guy who actually pulled you over. Silly ain't it?

Anyway, from my experience if you get pulled over you're getting a ticket. It doesn't matter if it's 3am in the middle of nowhere going 85 indicated in a 75 or supposidly going 92 in heavy traffic while merging. (Actually had that one thrown out because the officer couldn't prove it was me he clocked due to where he was parked and the flow of traffic, besides I wasn't going 92, more like 82 indicated just long enough to match the flow of traffic at around 78mph..)

Basically only way out of a ticket is not to get one in the first place. I pretty consistantly get my one a year and use my get outta bull**** free card (defensive driving) and try to play nice the rest of the year. None on my record yet...
I've never been stopped in a cage or on the bike. But my darling hubby has, 3 times in the past 2 years. Got a ticket everytime but the one time he told the cop...nope, totally my fault, I was listening to music, on my way home after being away on business for a week and just didn't notice my speed. The cop lowered the ticket and thanked Jim for being honest "you wouldn't believe the BS excuses we get in a day, thanks for your honesty, its refreshing"

The other 2....114kms in an 80 and having a sideways mounted plate.
There are a few things that will help, but if you deserve a ticket you'll probably get one. Here are the things I have found help, and I've been pulled over dozens of times and only received a couple of moving violations. The tickets I have received have been drastically reduced versions of the **** I was actually doing.

1. Be polite. Yes sir, no sir. Please, thank you. Turn off your radio/remove your helmet.
2. Don't lie and don't make dumb excuses. Most people can smell a lie a mile away, especially people like cops who hear bull**** all day long. You can bend the truth a little and you can hold back the "complete truth" but out right lies will get you a ticket.
3. Be considerate of the stress cops deal with. Keep your hands where the officer can see them. Let him know that you will be reaching into the glove box or pocket for your license etc... Make this as stress free for the cop as you can.
4. Have your "stuff" in order and ready. Make sure and have license, registration and proof of insurance ready to go. This will go a long way toward making you seem more responsible and trustworthy.
5. Gear up. Wearing proper safety equipment will also make you seem more responsible.
6. Use good non verbal communication. Sit or stand up straight. Avoid "filler words" like ummm and uhhh. These words make you sound like you either don't know what your talking about or are lying. If you can, stand next to the cop instead of face to face. If you can't sand next to the cop, angle your body do you aren't "squared off". Don't cross your arms, that is a defensive posture.

One final note, **** da po-lice! :D
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There are a few things that will help, but if you deserve a ticket you'll probably get one. Here are the things I have found help, and I've been pulled over dozens of times and only received a couple of moving violations. The tickets I have received have been drastically reduced versions of the **** I was actually doing.

1. Be polite. Yes sir, no sir. Please, thank you. Turn off your radio/remove your helmet.
2. Don't lie and don't make dumb excuses. Most people can smell a lie a mile away, especially people like cops who hear bull**** all day long. You can bend the truth a little and you can hold back the \"complete truth\" but out right lies will get you a ticket.
3. Be considerate of the stress cops deal with. Keep your hands where the officer can see them. Let him know that you will be reaching into the glove box or pocket for your license etc... Make this as stress free for the cop as you can.
4. Have your \"stuff\" in order and ready. Make sure and have license, registration and proof of insurance ready to go. This will go a long way toward making you seem more responsible and trustworthy.
5. Gear up. Wearing proper safety equipment will also make you seem more responsible.
6. Use good non verbal communication. Sit or stand up straight. Avoid \"filler words\" like ummm and uhhh. These words make you sound like you either don't know what your talking about or are lying. If you can, stand next to the cop instead of face to face. If you can't sand next to the cop, angle your body do you aren't \"squared off\". Don't cross your arms, that is a defensive posture.

One final note, **** da po-lice! :D

all good advice except **** the police. :Flip: :D