Warm day!


Nov 4, 2008
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Herndon, VA
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Woohoo! It got up to 59 degrees F yesterday! I got out for a nice long ride. Here's a picture of my Fizzer I took when I stopped on the banks of the Potomac at River Bend park.

Woohoo! It got up to 59 degrees F yesterday! I got out for a nice long ride. Here's a picture of my Fizzer I took when I stopped on the banks of the Potomac at River Bend park.


You lucky dog, you! We got 4 more inches of snow last night... Nice looking bike, by the way. :thumbup:
it was mid 50's here today too, but i had a re-scheduled christmas party today which took all my time, i would have loved to take a spin today...
It was warm enough here to ride, but still too much snow and slush on the roads; glad you were able to get out for a bit. :thumbup:
Got up to 52f today and the snow is gone :Flash:
The Mrs. and I rode 150 miles on my FJR. It was in the mid 40's by the time we returned, she was just starting to become a popsicle when we rolled in the driveway.
Not trying to rub it in to our northern friends but it sure felt good to ride today.

Don't those Aussie guys know 32c is just way to warm to be on a bike:Flip:
Don't those Aussie guys know 32c is just way to warm to be on a bike:Flip:

Lol....32c, that's perfect riding weather, get a bit sweaty at the lights, then once you get on the move again, the wind blast turns that sweat into a nice cooling layer of moisture......:eek:

40-42c is a bit different, then it's just too hot to do anything, except swim in the shade!!!!!!

Just did the math and 32c is 89.6f
You guys should stop riding on those dangerous temps. Everybody knows how many bugs can end up on your visor and that direct sunlight could blind you. Just think of the temptation to wear light gear in that kind of heat- it's just too much.
PARK your bikes now and wait for winter! :Flip: :D
No doubt it can get to hot here in the summer to ride.
Never to cold (as long as there is no ice on the road). Of course I am on my FJR behind the tupperware with the heated grips and vest on high!
Kinda cheatin', eh?.
Wasn't it a lovely day,my kids just got out of their pool and its gone 6:30 pm.
Gotta feel sorry for the northern hemisphere ;)

hehehe, now that's just rubbing salt into their wounds...lmao.

Here it is... 6:50pm, and the sun's still high, and it's still about 25C out there. I should get back on the bike and head down to the beach :rof:

I,m staying out of the sun , still doing my lobster impression at the moment.

and you reckon I,m rubbing it in !

Your doing the Lobster impression, i am doing the "got a freakin plaster on my foot, so i cant ride, or swim in my pool" impression.......and the weather is perfect for both......oh well, we still have at least 5 months of decent weather ahead of us, before it gets sorta cold.....He.....He......

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