Vermont finally welcomes Motorcycle season!


Junior Member
Feb 18, 2009
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Burlington, Vermont
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So I finally got a good full day of riding in. Went for about 100 miles worth, and boy was it fun.

Finally got a a chance to open the bike up on the interstate a little. I really am impressed, as i am sure you are all aware, how responsive the bike to any form of riding! Great for quick commutes, and boy sure is fun when you wanna move! ffaaaaassssstttt.

My roommates WRX could barely keep up!
Oh i do.

I am a very safe rider, I rarely speed, just trying it out! Gotta know what it can do.

Oh there is plenty more that it can do...get yourself to a track day over at Loudon this year and really find out :)

Also, if you haven't yet check out lots of good people on there (not as good as here) but they are local and I know there is a group from up in burlington.
The WRX could barely keep up? C'mon, you should be able to roast that thing. :D
Glad you're keeping safe, have fun!
Glad to hear you were able to get some riding in. I was finally able to pull my bike out for a short ride today. I put on about 50 miles, and had to do a thorough wash to clean the salt and road grime off the bike.