Valencia tribute to SuperSic


Chips & Dip
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
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San Diego, CA
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[ame=]Valencia pay tribute to Marco Simoncelli - YouTube[/ame]
yeah the signing of the camera got me too, and seeing kevin schwantz take his bike out. it was a nice tribute from all the classes of riders, rossi had this nice commemorative helmet. i didnt see any races yest cause i was working. did they do something before the 125 races began as well? someone said there was something before the 125 went on, but i couldn t see anything.

ciao sic
It's remarkable the impact he had on people. His natural charisma and great personality combined with his pure passion and his always giving every last little bit to race so damned really makes his passing something that has genuinely impacted so many countless people.

Not saying people wouldn't care if the rider had been someone else, but the combination of all that Marco was really just cuts through and causes a genuine impact on those who watched him.
It's remarkable the impact he had on people. His natural charisma and great personality combined with his pure passion and his always giving every last little bit to race so damned really makes his passing something that has genuinely impacted so many countless people.

Not saying people wouldn't care if the rider had been someone else, but the combination of all that Marco was really just cuts through and causes a genuine impact on those who watched him.

Well Said Lone....

I agree, if he had been an A-hole, then the reaction would of been very different,...maybe?

I wonder if he has caught up with Bazza Sheen at the big racetrack in the sky yet???

I reckon those 2 would have a grand old time carving each other up!

well said lone. i like the racing style of de puniet, he s one of my faves after rossi and sic, that s why im mentioning him, he s aggresive too, but if it had been him(god forbid) instead of marco, i dont think it would have impacted me the same way. his character is nowwhere near as colourful or charismatic as marco's was.
Could you just imagine those two clowns going at it hammer & tongs up there :D :BLAA:

I think that they would both have their hands full with Nori Abe in the mix, he was a demon on track!!

An interesting statistic, since the formation of what we today call MotoGP in 1949 there have been 25 on-track fatalities. In 62 years of racing I think that is pretty remarkable.
I think that they would both have their hands full with Nori Abe in the mix, he was a demon on track!!

An interesting statistic, since the formation of what we today call MotoGP in 1949 there have been 25 on-track fatalities. In 62 years of racing I think that is pretty remarkable.

And i wonder how many of those were on road circuits, before riders got serious about safety?
