Used FZ6 Check Out? Help Me Buy My New Bike, Please!


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Jun 19, 2008
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Enterprise, AL
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Allright all,

BOTTOM LINE: What are some things to look for on a 2005 FZ6 that I should be aware of. I plan on using the MSF thorough checklist but I would appreciate experienced advice.

I am a new member, but have been looking at an FZ6 for 3 years now. Iraq, flight school, ect has kept me from getting one. ITS TIME!

I am about to go check out a 2005 w/ 1200 miles on it. Yeah, I was astonished, but the guy seems like he just didn't ride like he thought he would and now w/ a baby on the way and a house purchase looming..... I know, everyones got a story! So to be adequately aprehensive, I come to you.

Oh' By the Way, this will be my first bike for 15 years and I have read all the opinions on that issue. (Used to ride a 600 Ninja) I have just taken a MSF course and the instructor has offered to take me through the course a few times on my new bike after hours, so I feel relatively confident w/ my training plan.

Thanks in advance!


I'm not a techie, but I am the owner of a used, low mileage 2005, and I failed my annual safety inspection today due to uneven "crowning" on the front tire. So even with low miles, you might want to budget for new tires, in case the previous owner didn't maintain the bike while it was sitting.

The only other advice I can offer, is make sure it's blue. So much groovier than the other colors.
look for crash damage. tires can be replaced. I'd assume with only 1200 miles on it they are still stock, I'd plan on replacing them even if they still have good tread on them. tires get old and dry rot, not the kind of thing thats good when you only have 2 of them. look for blown fork seals, that could be an indicator of abuse. ask about service records. it should've had it's break in service, but if not at 1200 miles I hardly doubt there would be any damage to the internals of the engine and gearbox. ask if it was garage kept of stored outside. sun damage should be easy to see though. ask why it's being sold. is the seller old or young, older people tend to take better care of there things.
my opinion is if it's never been laid down it's too young to have been abused too much so use your judgment and go from there.

One trick I learned after-the-fact, when I bought my barely-used '07 last summer: if the seller swears it's never been laid down, check the bar ends and brake/clutch lever ends for scratches. My bike had been laid down, albeit gently. I even discovered the handlebar was slightly off-center in the clamp, although that was easy enough to fix.
Nothing wrong with a bike falling over, but if the seller will lie about that, what else is he lying about?
Good luck, and welcome for the forums!
biggest thing is possible abuse. Tires not only dry rot but as they get older they get harder. a hard tire does not stick! if they are stock tires and it is a 2005 that would be very high on my priority list!!!! Another thing would be if it was winterized, any care taken to the battery.... Battery's have gotten extreamly expensive!!!