Touring windshield


Junior Member
Apr 23, 2008
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Memphis TN
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Hey guys, I've got a question... My wife is bitching about the wind when riding two up on on the highway.. 65+. Does anyone have experience with a touring windshield and a passenger? What did your passenger think of it?
Being six foot tall the wind goes right over my shoulders and up my helmet with the touring shield. my wife feels it too at her torso. so I don't think the touring will help her much
I was thinking of something like a calsci + 9.5 or +11. I've heard the Yamaha touring shield for it pretty much is a waste of time.
I have just spoken to Jannie who has sat on the back of my FZ6 for about 18000km.

We have had the stock screen, the stock screen cut down and the Puig Double Bubble which is on now.

Jannie says it does not make any difference at all as to which screen is on the bike, it feels the same whatever is on.


HA HA!!! I'm 6'2'' and my girl is 5'1 1/2" so I really can't help ya... She says that 25-70 feels relatively the same windwise...
Don`t think that the higher the screen gets, the less wind you will both get. That is totally wrong.

The screen causes all the eddies and swirls to move all over the place to buffet you. If you don`t believe me ask the guys with naked bikes.

I have 3 screens, the double bubble, the stock and the cut down stock. The cut down stock is by far the best for a comfortable ride.

Hey all,
I just tried prototype #1.
I'm trying to get protection for my shoulders and air over the top so could ride with my visor up.
#1 works pretty darn good.
The height as you can see is way taller than the stock shield "06" and currently air hits me just at top of visor: I'm 5'-11" on a custon corbin seat with bar riser/backs.
I can see over the top w/no problem to aprox. 8 feet of front wheel & looking through has little to no distortion.
I've done test speed to 110 mph and it didn't fly off, crack or most of all didn't shake, or deflect much and turbulance was almost nill. I was actually sitting up straight.
It's currently fastened with nylon bolts through stock sheild.
After making a pattern and having it cut I tried to Heat Gun the plastic to form fit to bottom curve of stock windshield... It worked but could not keep enough heat overall so next attempt will be via making a pan and submerging in hot water until the whole thing is soft enough to bend. Note the top part just has a very slight bend.
#2 Will be 4 inches taller.
This huge sheild does take away from the sport look some but sure is a comforting behind it both wind & a lot warmer.
Here's some pics... if I did it right?
Hey all,
I just tried prototype #1.
I'm trying to get protection for my shoulders and air over the top so could ride with my visor up.
#1 works pretty darn good.
The height as you can see is way taller than the stock shield "06" and currently air hits me just at top of visor: I'm 5'-11" on a custon corbin seat with bar riser/backs.
I can see over the top w/no problem to aprox. 8 feet of front wheel & looking through has little to no distortion.
I've done test speed to 110 mph and it didn't fly off, crack or most of all didn't shake, or deflect much and turbulance was almost nill. I was actually sitting up straight.
It's currently fastened with nylon bolts through stock sheild.
After making a pattern and having it cut I tried to Heat Gun the plastic to form fit to bottom curve of stock windshield... It worked but could not keep enough heat overall so next attempt will be via making a pan and submerging in hot water until the whole thing is soft enough to bend. Note the top part just has a very slight bend.
#2 Will be 4 inches taller.
This huge sheild does take away from the sport look some but sure is a comforting behind it both wind & a lot warmer.
Here's some pics... if I did it right?

Don`t forget that bugs and stones can still hit you in the face even if you make that wall even higher.

Yes you are correct it is FUGLY. Personally I would rather go back to my Intruder Cruiser with huge screen than stick something that big on the FZ6.
But beauty is in the eye of the beholder and after all it is your bike.

Hi guys
Just installed and ride test Puig racing screen which is 2 1/2" taller then stock screen, I m 5.11 and during the test in highway at 80pmh, no more turbelence around my head, no pressure on my shoulder I m size 60 btw and best part is I can heard my engine sound...
After riding for awhile I felt lot less tiring due not fighting those winds in my shoulder, the ride is lot more comfortable at cruizing speed of 80mph
Quality and fitmet of Puig is very precise and highly recomended...:D
I have the yamaha touring screen on my 05'. While it is not perfect, it is better than the stock one was. At slow in town speeds, I ride with the visor up, but regardless it always comes down at speed. One of my buddies caught a bee at 80mph down the interstate, it went in his nose and stung him... yea.

As for the guy who made his own screen. +1 to you for being inivative and trying something new. Function over form sometimes...

I am thinking about doing something similar if I attempt an ironbutt this summer. Highway speed wind noise isnt the greatest. I might even try placing some duct tape around the edges of the visor to create a better seal. Much of the helment noise comes the lack of a seal on the visor to the helment.

Once again, great job!

I have the yamaha touring screen on my 05'. While it is not perfect, it is better than the stock one was. At slow in town speeds, I ride with the visor up, but regardless it always comes down at speed. One of my buddies caught a bee at 80mph down the interstate, it went in his nose and stung him... yea.

As for the guy who made his own screen. +1 to you for being inivative and trying something new. Function over form sometimes...

I am thinking about doing something similar if I attempt an ironbutt this summer. Highway speed wind noise isnt the greatest. I might even try placing some duct tape around the edges of the visor to create a better seal. Much of the helment noise comes the lack of a seal on the visor to the helment.

Once again, great job!


Hi Bryan,

I have reads dozens of threads on this topic and I think the screen height is also relative to the height of the rider and how much noise they get.

I had a helmet skirt for a while and it made the wind tone more bass which was more acceptable. The skirt was made of neoprene and started to fall to bits within a couple of weeks. I also had trouble keeping it on the helmet without double sided tape.

I changed from a flip lid to a full face which made a big difference.

I also made my own earplugs from some putty type stuff I got off e-bay. They lasted the season and worked very well.

At the end of the day we are not in a cage so we will get some noise.

Completely agree with you on that.

I think lack of helmet seals and sharp edges are the main culpret in the major wind noise. Esp. around the visor and lower chin area of the lid.

I thought I saw at one point where there is a company that makes these wicked looking shields for the ST guys. The shield isnt that tall, but the sides are bent funny. Supposed to eliminate some of the buffeting by moving the air off your sides. Pretty neat idea. Not sure how well it works though.

What modular helmet did you have, btw?


Hi Bryan,

I have reads dozens of threads on this topic and I think the screen height is also relative to the height of the rider and how much noise they get.

I had a helmet skirt for a while and it made the wind tone more bass which was more acceptable. The skirt was made of neoprene and started to fall to bits within a couple of weeks. I also had trouble keeping it on the helmet without double sided tape.

I changed from a flip lid to a full face which made a big difference.

I also made my own earplugs from some putty type stuff I got off e-bay. They lasted the season and worked very well.

At the end of the day we are not in a cage so we will get some noise.

"Fugly" I like that.
Actually I'll have to take a pic with me behind it. Looks really tall but perspective without rider a bit strange.
It does work even as is really well, Unfortunately there are not a lot of options for "06" and below.
The beauty of the FZ is it fairly easy to go any "style" you want.
When it's cold out or I've got all the bags on or in 3 screws swap screen and go twisties.
Maybe another pic soon.
"Fugly" I like that.
Actually I'll have to take a pic with me behind it. Looks really tall but perspective without rider a bit strange.
It does work even as is really well, Unfortunately there are not a lot of options for "06" and below.
The beauty of the FZ is it fairly easy to go any "style" you want.
When it's cold out or I've got all the bags on or in 3 screws swap screen and go twisties.
Maybe another pic soon.

So true! Its the universal style bike, lol.


Mine in full ST mode. I would like a bit stiffer spring in the rear, that would be nice, but other than that... works great for me.
