Too hot to ride?

It was about 98 and humid yesterday, I went for a ride around 5, I took roads where I didn't have to stop much. It feels cooler if you can find a route that is covered by trees. I went up rte 611 along the Delaware and it was a very comfortable ride.:thumbup:
+1 on the trees, feels like you rode into an air conditioned room.
Too busy posting and trying to catch up to me?

PS: New Favorite Smiley ----> :spank:

Not exactly.....I don't have a babysitter, the kids aren't old enough to be home by themselves, YET!!!!!!

Our whore off (post style) is over, Rob....I will never catch up :(

Steve will catch up though. :Flip: :cheer:

That's my new fav as well. :spank:
new england ftw! not too hot, nor too cold, we're always right in between. lol. i love all the seasons, but humidity in the summer kills.

best solution to ride when it's a really hot day is to head to the water, (pool, beach, lake, river, whatever) to cool after the ride from the trip getting there, and being all ready for the ride back... just got to remember to carry your swimwear or wear it underneath your pants. now that'll really warm you up for any temperature of the water!
NEVER! If it is blazing hot soak your leather with a hose, nice and wet, get up to 70 and you will be fine. Drink lots of cold water, no worries. :cheer:
95? Hot?


We consider 95 degrees to be a refreshing change of pace around here in the summer. Commuting in evening rush hour traffic? Now THAT'S hot. And miserable.

True told, I'm not hopping on the bike for a recreational ride if it's over 100. Plus you folks have a much higher humidity level to contend with, and that's what truly makes it miserable. I'd move or commit suicide if I lived in Houston.

95? Hot?


We consider 95 degrees to be a refreshing change of pace around here in the summer. Commuting in evening rush hour traffic? Now THAT'S hot. And miserable.


Let's be realistic, You and I and along with some other members, don't think we will ever see 95 degrees during the day for a long time. We have a better chance to see 115 than 95! When we get up into the teens, the sun is scorching hot, you need to have a well tinted visor or else your face will scorch. I hate to even think going down in that kind of heat, I mean can you imagine how hot that aspahlt will be? Add a little of road rash and blood and we will be cooking like a steak. Makes you want to wear more gear.
Ah! ok, got it thanks.

LOL....nice video mg, it's all so clear now. :rolleyes:
Easy solution: MOVE. Look, I don't know about where you live, but in CA if it's 100 degrees I still wear mesh jacket over a tank top. But, there's very little humidity. I think it's the humidity that's the biggest irritant.
Easy solution: MOVE. Look, I don't know about where you live, but in CA if it's 100 degrees I still wear mesh jacket over a tank top. But, there's very little humidity. I think it's the humidity that's the biggest irritant.

Thats what nobody understands when they say im exaggerating when its 97 degrees and 100% humidity. Riding at any speed is not helpful.
with the humidity issue, the only thing that helps really is to stop. get to a local dd's or some place with ac inside where you can grab a coffee or water to keep you up and focused. dense humidity can get you dazed. or if your around home and have a pool, jump in without even feeling it for that nice aftershock!
I am living in Lower Alabama (LA) and find that the humidity is actally better when I am moving over 40, but as soon as I stop at a light or park at work I start to sweat. I hate showing up at work sweaty, but I still ride because I hate getting 17 MPG in my truck vs. 47 on my FZ6.

I have to admit it is a lot of work to ride in the summer, but I am stuborn and out to prove to my wife that the bike was worth it!

That "blow torch " comment must come from someone in the desert. I was on top of a truck in Iraq and the 120 degree air was still 120 degrees at 60 MPH without the humitity.