Today's going to be a good day


Senior Member
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
West London
Even though it's raining cats & dogs, I'm off to pick up my new Gixxer this morning and then I'm off this afternoon to see the new Cirq du Soliel show - Totem and have a nice afternoon with my wife, sans kids. WooHoo!

I'll post some pics of my actual bike tomorrow when I've had a chance to get it in a good spot and use my good camera. Until then, here's a shot of a very similar bike to keep you interested.

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Don't suppose you could snap some shot of the Cirq du Soleil too?

I saw the Delirium (or something like that) a couple years back and loved it!
You're in London.. when is it NOT raining cats and dogs? :BLAA:

Love the bike! Have seen 2 Cirq du Soleil shows. Enjoyed both. Have fun!
Not that I'm a big Cirque fan, but I've seen Quidam, O, Mystere, Saltimbanco, Varekai, Alegria, Corteo and Dralion. Already have tickets for Ovo in Houston in March !!

O In Vegas is amazing, but spent too much time trying to work out "How'd they do that" :)
My last ciscus experience was at the Ringling Bros, last year at Coney Island NY. Everything was fantastic, different from the Soleil circus.
I think I'm already old enough to feel weird about the animals, I don't know if they are abused or not, may be it's just the idea I have in my brain because of all the news about it.
Anyways, the show was great, popcorn was great, all the happy people around laughing was great.
Enjoy your bike too.:thumbup: