

Junior Member
May 7, 2008
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granada hills, CA
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so im get together to ride with some people on thursday and as we are going up a hill on los angeles forest im the sweeper and just about entering a turn everyone just slowes down to about 50mph, the speed limit here is 55mph, so i see this cop comming downhill opposite directions from us taking that turn we were about to take. As he passes us he makes a U turn and pulls me over. So im thinking he was going to give me a warning or something else, but not a ticket! so he sais that he got me at 66mph which was bullshh!!! so at that time im thinking there is no way possible that he was comming opposite direccion, taking the turn and poiting the radar gun as he is riding his bike!!! gives me the ticket and as im about to take off, stops me and gives me a fixup ticket for my flush mount front signals, bloody bastard!!! im gonna fight that ticket, at least the sppeding, any suggestions for the fix tickets that is gonna be a pain in the ass!!!:confused:

Sorry about the ticket man. I also understand your questioning of the radar bs. Get your buddies together and have them go to court with you as a witness and make sure you let the judge know he says he popped you with a radar detector while driving the same direction and going around a curve. good luck
Maybe providing some photos and actual distance with tape measure, etc. will help.

You're right its gonna be a pain in the a$$ but consider these steps: 1)Get one of those rolling measuring wheel things to mark off the distance the officer was from you 2) get someone to stand or even sit on a bicycle to represent yourself and your respective location and someone to represent the officer and his location. 3)Take photos from your perspective and from the officers.
4) if you were in running sweeper, create a diagram of the street that shows your location respective to your buddies. 5)Present this evidence you have compiled in court at your trial.
Your best bet (imo) is to not question the officers integrity and presume he is making everything up (he probably clocked something at 66mph) but try to show that it was unlikely that he clocked you at 66mph. Maybe he got one of your buddies instead.
Why didn't you ask to see your speed on radar?

In general, asking to see your speed on the radar or laser unit while on the side of some road is not likely to go over well. I can't swear to this but most police agencies would not require their officers to agree to this. If you have any doubt, court is the best place to press the issue....
They can do that? Radar gun you as you approach from opposite direction? How does that work; does the gun automatically compensate for the speed that the officer is doing? And then for you going just 11 MPH over limit? Geesh. Well, I guess whenever you do something looking illegal right in front of an officer it's almost a "deer-caught-in-headlights" situation. Oh well, are you eligible for traffic school (if you don't beat it)? I guess this is a reason for always keeping your OEM lighting/exhaust, etc., on hand for a pre-inspection changeover, huh?
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Hope you fight it, but don't expect the court to be fair and just. Remember, the "fair and unbiased" judge works for the same company that's bringing the charges against you.

Check out Mark Stevens videos on youtube "How to beat a civil traffic ticket" theres 3 parts, and more importantly Sam from the obscured truth network youtube documentary "The Court of Public Relations (HQ)".

Good luck.
Yes they can clock you while they are coming at you. There is a program in the radar gun that compensates for the police officers speed.

Also I might be WAY off base here but I could swear that if you ask to see the radar they HAVE to show you it.

Like I said I may be way off with the above but I know I have heard this from somewhere.
every state is different here in NY they have to show it to you if they won't show it to you they can't write you a ticket and if they do they will get written up for it plus you can ask to see their calibration log. NY state they have to be calibrated once a week minimum. State cops are on target with that but any other cop in NY you can usually get them on it. works like a charm. like i said thats here in NY as far as the turn signals you are pretty much screwed. plus when you show up in court they have to be able to produce that log! another good one.... other wise ticket get thrown out. also make sure everything is 100% correct on that ticket your name address etc. if anything is wrong or misspelled they can't prosecute it because its wrong just remember if you fight them and they get dropped that cop will be watching for you like you killed his first born. One other thing to remember!
Bad luck with that ... and yeah i'd fight it.

Here things are a bit different .... Radar guns are THE ONLY enforcement they use.

Couple of "avenues" we use:
1) are the officers qualifications for using the device up to date?
2) is the radar unit calibrated (i belive mnfr recommends calibration for every 6 hours used - depending on make and model)
3) Our guys don't use vehicle mounted units YET, but the error margin again would be high ... the officer must prove that his equipment is 100% accurate.
4) our cops HAVE TO show you the reading ... and we bikers enjoy doing that, because they cannot trap anyone else for the duration of your "conversation".
5) does the unit have no records? ie ... photos or record that at the time a vehicle was measured at that speed?
6) Do your homework, if nothing less, muddy the waters enough for the cop to go "um" ....
If you have a GPS you could also use that in your defense.

I read a story about someone using the data from his GPS to fight a speeding ticket, as they can be pretty accurate(his was apparently accurate to within 1.5mph/2 feet of his location, according to the manufacturer).
every state is different here in NY they have to show it to you if they won't show it to you they can't write you a ticket and if they do they will get written up for it plus you can ask to see their calibration log. NY state they have to be calibrated once a week minimum. State cops are on target with that but any other cop in NY you can usually get them on it. works like a charm. like i said thats here in NY as far as the turn signals you are pretty much screwed. plus when you show up in court they have to be able to produce that log! another good one.... other wise ticket get thrown out. also make sure everything is 100% correct on that ticket your name address etc. if anything is wrong or misspelled they can't prosecute it because its wrong just remember if you fight them and they get dropped that cop will be watching for you like you killed his first born. One other thing to remember!

As a fellow New York state resident I thank you for the info! :thumbup:
Sorry about the ticket, but before you go to court to fight the ticket think it out first what you and your riding buddies are about to say. Plenty of times people incriminate themselves by saying just the wrong thing in front of the judge in hope of defending themselves, then "poof" it's a done deal. Just pay the cashier what you owe plus wasting our time and the community. Just plan what your strategy is.