Ticket Venting

yeah, and my point was that i don't think weaving INSIDE the lane is illegal. maybe they can pull you over to make sure you aren't having a diabetic seizure or something, but i don't think you can get a ticket if you stay inside the lane lines. and even if they do pull you over to make sure you are ok, if it's not a ticketable offense, then i don't think they are allowed to check your insurance or anything like that. i have a friend who is a maryland state trooper. i am going to send him a message now. i will note that this took place in alabama, but it could be good info in any case. stand by...
Get a lawyer. I know you are tight for money, but most lawyers, especially in this economy, will work out a payment plan -- which will be helped by the fact that you are entering military service and there will be demonstrable wages to pay for the service over time.

Further, a lawyer will help you beat the bogus careless driving charge. I don't know what the Alabama motor vehicle law actually states for what constitutes careless driving, but if its a criminal misdemeanor and not a civil violation the Officer must prove all the elements of the careless driving violation beyond a reasonable doubt.

On the no insurance/no proof of insurance: Get some -- NOW. the sooner you get insured, the better it will be when you demonstrate to the Judge that you are now insured. Last, never admit that you decided to risk the ticket for no insurance b/c you thought assuming the risk of the ticket would be cheaper than getting insured and complying with the law -- that is against your interest at trial.
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If you are allowed to ride without insurance in certain states who pays if you happen to have an accident and injure someone else?

I look at it that my insurance is there mainly to look after other people if I damage them or their property. Secondly, it is there to protect me and my property.

I was in an accident, not of my making, where both my arms and right leg were broken. I was away from work for nearly three years. While I was off work an arrangement was made by my insurance company with the other guys insurance company. They paid my full salary while I was not working, as well as taxis to doctors, specialists, and other expenses.

I had to retire as a police officer due to this accident and was paid a substantial settlement by the guys insurance company.

Without his insurance I would have been in such financial hardship, I do not even want to think about it. I would really have been sunk.

You will understand me if I have no sympathy with you. I think the only way people who avoid paying motor insurance will learn is to take their vehicles off them for good.

The consequences of not having insurance is dire.

Florida does NOT require insurance for motorcycles ( I carry ins. ). It is a choice as are helmets. If you get in an accident the other motorists ins. foots the bill. All vehicles in Fl. are required to carry ins. , EXCEPT motorcycles. If you don't have ins. and get into a crack up with another vehicle ie. another motorcycle without ins. you are both SCREWED! You do however need personal medical ins. to NOT wear a helmet. Stupid huh?
The Jolly old town of Robertsdale Alabama.

And like I said, my problem isn't with the insurance ticket. I just think insurance should be more governement-mandated, since the government requires it. So the fairest prices are offered. And this is coming from a Republican. It's just one of the few things I think the government should have more control over.