Thunderhill Trackday Pics

Red Wazp

Super Member
Mar 10, 2008
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Peardale, Ca
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On Halloween day I was able to take my FZ1 to Thunderhill Raceway in Northern California for a day at the track. The only other time I have ridden this track was on my FZ6 2 years ago.

I do not know lap times from either bike but I'm sure the FZ1 was a bit quicker. More power and better brakes did help a bit too :rolleyes:
Front straight speed on the FZ6 was 118mph and on the FZ1mph I did see 142-once :eek:

Anyway I wanted to share some pictures from Monday's track day as this was a make up day from a rained out event 3 weeks ago- today was perfect with temps in the 70's!

Nothing like the smell of race gas in the morning..


However some paint jobs can be a bit much before 9am..


Those darn Aussie's seem to like this brand...


A couple good looking FZ1's, mine is on the right. Jason, who owns the other one has R1 forks and a nice Penske shock plus other tasty bits..


FYI although a softer tire would be better for the track my Pilot Road II did quite well to haul my arse around the track..


This guy seemed well prepared for a parking lot brake job (??) while his girlfriend waited in the trailer..


The weather is changing big time this week so it was great to get in a nice track day before the first frost.
Here's a vidio shot with Jason's Go Pro on my FZ1. A couple faster riders did get between at first but I did catch up to him after turn 11 (where all the paint is on my right). Wasn't my best lap but I was having a good time!

[ame=]Thunderhill Halloween Day Pacific Tracktime - YouTube[/ame]
Here's a vidio shot with Jason's Go Pro on my FZ1. A couple faster riders did get between at first but I did catch up to him after turn 11 (where all the paint is on my right). Wasn't my best lap but I was having a good time!

Awesome!! :thumbup:
wow thanks for posting those pics and vid..oh I think I like that :rockon:..Ive never been on a track before, how does it work? do you just show up with gear and bike and get on the track.. do they charge you or what? do the 600s go on with the 1000s
wow thanks for posting those pics and vid..oh I think I like that :rockon:..Ive never been on a track before, how does it work? do you just show up with gear and bike and get on the track.. do they charge you or what? do the 600s go on with the 1000s

Yes it cost money, yes the bikes are mixed together. It's more about your ability but all new riders to the track will start out in the novice group.

I would suggest for your first track day to do a riding school such as California Superbike School or I did Reg Pridmore's Class School. Usually the riding is in 2 or 3 groups (fast, faster and warp speed riders) with 20 minute sessions rotating all day long.
Hellgate (Pete) here on the forum can steer you to the best track school in Texas.
Proper gear is a must, and it will take your riding to another level but I must warn you it can become addictive :eek:
OMG OMG OMG OMG I need to get back out on the track!!!!!!!!!!!! I have so much more experience now than I did the last time I was at the track...I can't wait to ride reeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaal fast. WOT!!!!!!!!

All of the riders I met there were from the Bay Area so you can do it. Fall is best for me if you can do a day next year give me a shout.
OMG OMG OMG OMG I need to get back out on the track!!!!!!!!!!!! I have so much more experience now than I did the last time I was at the track...I can't wait to ride reeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaal fast. WOT!!!!!!!!


Come on down, I'm going to Houston on 11/19, and I'm going to try to go back on 12/10.


I got new Q2s going on the bike today! :cheer: