things you hate being told about your fz

2.) What is that? My reply = FZ6. What? My 2nd reply = FZ6. Huh? My 3rd reply = Yamaha. Blank stare on strangers face. My 4th reply = :shakehead:

I often do something similar to this. Except, I work ina school, so when the kids find out I ride, they ask: "So what kind of bike do you have?" I will reply "Suzuki SV650S" (blank stare) "It's a sport bike" "Oh, a crotch-rocket." "No, a sport bike." "Oh......" (confusion again)
Two things:

1.) The wheelie gesture. My reply = :shakehead:

2.) What is that? My reply = FZ6. What? My 2nd reply = FZ6. Huh? My 3rd reply = Yamaha. Blank stare on strangers face. My 4th reply = :shakehead:

I have explained that to quite a few people. Just bought my FZ, upgrading from a cruiser.

-You bought a what?

-A what?
Yamaha FZ-6.

Oh, a crotch rocket.

Uhhh...yeah sure thing.
"What sort of bike is that?" (it's got Yamaha, on it, it's got FZ6 on it and the number plate bloody says 08FZ6 - what do they think it is!) :eek:

"Is that your bike? You ride?" (no - I'm just holding it for my husband......)
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I've certainly had my share of "pop a whellie gesture" from kids.
What I hate the most is "burn some tire" gesture, like who the hell are you for me to waste a perfectly good tire for.:Flip:

Same here. Had a guy pull up and ask me to do a burnout... I asked him if he had $300 on him, if so, I'll burn it right down to the cords if he'd give it to me.

This one is not so much about what people's more about what they do....

Tools in "hot cars" that pull up next to you at lights, and start revving their car for a drag!

Dont they know that they have no freaking chance over the first 200 metres! And if you do "leave them standing at the lights", all this does is encourage them to speed up to warp speed, and overtake you after you have slowed down, either screaming abuse, throwing crap at you, or worse, doing so, about 1 foot from your bike!

Jealousy & stupidity! dangerous combinations!

I often do something similar to this. Except, I work ina school, so when the kids find out I ride, they ask: "So what kind of bike do you have?" I will reply "Suzuki SV650S" (blank stare) "It's a sport bike" "Oh, a crotch-rocket." "No, a sport bike." "Oh......" (confusion again)

I think my new reply will be "A black one!" :D:D:D
Being told that the only thing good about my FZ6 is the color. Other than that, it's a P.O.S. and someting along the lines, "someday, you will get a Harley....." as if everybody who doesn't ride a Harley Davidson is only on a Yamaha or other bike because you haven't been able to "step up" or scrape up enough money yet for a Harley. Can you imagine: a Yamaha rider going up to a rider on a Harley and, instead of making a compliment or something, saying that he rides a P.O.S. and why doesn't he get a real bike, like a Yamaha? OMG, only a Harley rider, with his huge, loud rumble-sound Southpark pipes, thinks and talks that way. How conceited and juvenile that is! (reminds me of high school boys arguing over Ford vs. Chevy). It's as if a Harley owner is insecure or something if he sees somebody on something else and so he has to go out of his way to "convince" another that his bike is "better."
I got the headlight out question a few times when I first got it. the sad thing was I didn't know that was a 'feature' when I bought it so I asked at the dealership if it was just a Yamaha thing. :spank:

I've had the wheelie request, but I can't even do a catwalk on a bicycle without crashing.

I've gotten the excited looks when they are commenting on how sweet it looks then they ask how big the engine is and they seem disapointed that it's only a 600cc....

When they ask how fast it is I just smile. :D
every single person that sees it for the first time, "you have a headlight out..." (i flash the high beam at them) "...oh"

i get "how fast have you had it?" (fast enough)

and almost every day i walk into school with my gear on "did you ride your bike today?" [insert facepalm here] (no i just like to carry all my gear around with me, safety first you know.)
(Harley owner at work)

'It may be quick,but I've got more torque,so I'd leave you for dead at the lights' :eek: :eek:

To this day he's never taken me up on the offer to try it out.........:rolleyes:
response to "someday you'll buy a harley" - "Arrrrr matey! Avast!" Then ride away.

I get the "what bike is that" question alot. Also, people ask if it is a BMW alot. Once I tell them what it is, blank stares abound.

Response to the "wheelie" motion. From little kids, I'll rev it up and zoom away (makes em smile even without a wheelie). From girls, I'll wag my finger like "naughty naughty" at them. From "bros in jeeps" I shake my head and engage "ignore mode."
I wouldn't say I hate this, but I hear it all the time and it's kind of a pet peeve of mine. People will say things like, "that's an awesome bike man!" or "sweet bike, it looks fast". Don't get me wrong, I like when people make nice comments about my bike or my friends' bikes, but I get the feeling they say that about every bike they see. I've seen people say it to my friends who have completely stock, plain looking bikes. Nothing exceptional or flashy about them and people will still say stuff like that. I know I'm probably just weird, but the comments start to lose their value if you know they say it all the time. It doesn't mean anything anymore.

Unless it's a hot chick saying it...that never gets old and I always like that!;)

About the FZ6 though, I can't think of anything I hate being told. I get a lot of people that confuse it with other bikes when they're trying to show off like they know alot about motorcycles and they say, "Oh I like your [insert super common bike here]".

lol! and the people that say "nice bike mate" you can just tell they're on there way to the shop to get their cider and drugs for the night. And they don't say "nice bike mate" they say "sick bike mate" wtf?
It's the questions like what kind of bike do you have, or who makes that, or my favorite. After I tell them it's an FZ6, they say with a lost look, what's that.

Of course the other normal ones are:

Pop a wheelie, how fast does it go, how fast have I taken it, get a Harley, a real motorcycle, etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada.
This is wierd, but I have never gotten:

1. Do-A-Wheelie motion from kids or anyone else
2. "One day you'll want a Harley."
3. Anyone uring me to do a burnout

And in fact, I can't think of the last time somebody said anything to me about my bike, like in the presence of the bike, other than a gas station dude saying "sweet bike man" or some such.

I ride to work every day, and I DO get an amazing number of repeat comments. The same people, the same comment, at least once a week.

1. "Did you ride in?" -as I'm standing there in a riding jacket, boots, helmet in hand-

2. "You're not gonna ride in tomorrow, are you - it's supposed to rain!" (Yes, I ride in all weather but snow)

3. "You're gonna want to buy a car eventually." (One day I may wind up owning a car again, but I can safely say I won't really WANT to.)

4. "Now that you have a baby you have to buy a car again, right?" (No, I drilled some breather holes in the top box.)
"Is that your bike? Can I ride it?" NO!

"I'll take YOU for a ride on your bike" No and don't bother calling me for a second date!

from a Harley friend "how fast does it go?" Faster than yours!


forgot this one...

"is that a Ducati?" YUP! :D
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Ha ha ha ha!

Its all the same.

"Hey buddy your headlight is out"
"Hey mate you have blown a globe"
"Hey pal your light isn't working"
"Hey dude I don't know if you know this but......................."

My brother even gets other people to ask me cos he thinks its funny. Cheeky bugger.
and almost every day i walk into school with my gear on "did you ride your bike today?" [insert facepalm here] (no i just like to carry all my gear around with me, safety first you know.)

I get that every day. You ride to work?

No, I drove to work in a leather jacket, helmet, gloves and a backpack.