$%# the police

to anybody that was wondering I ended up trying to file a report on this a few days after and the cops said they would get back to me soon. i got a call last week from a deputy who just said that it was infact a poor call on that particular cops part but there was nothing i could do since i left the scene before talking to the police. O well...... I got the paint touched up which was about $50, cleaned everything else took a couple ours, motivation to get riding glasses... priceless.
I can definently see both sides of this coin....for example one night I was riding home, doing about 65 in a 45 (two lane road in a rural area at 3:00am on a weeknight) and noticed some headlights several hundred yards behind me....next thing I know those headlights are screaming past me and startled me so bad I almost swerved onto the shoulder....turns out it was a police officer running about 110-120 with no red and blues or siren passing me on the double yellow (albeit a long straightaway). I was a little pissed, but I have also been on ride-alongs like YamahaMAXdRPMs where your running serious speeds without your lights and sirens because its easier to race around traffic than hit your lights because everyone panics and slams on their brakes, completely boxing things up. I'm sorry to hear you got sprayed in the face, and the officer has a legal responsibility to exercise caution to keep the general public safe.....but you also have a legal responsibility to wear eye protection at all times when operating a motorcycle, not just when it is comfortable.
Wow so much defense for cops doing something that just isn't right.
There is no law forcing you to wear something to protect your face (only your head), its just a good idea.
If you had both died by losing control due to the police's irresponsibility it would have been a huge case, NEVERMIND whether they where going to save someone else.

One thing I think you should have done is contact the local council to report the gravel etc on the road. Thats the true danger, you are lucky you where both ok.
Rather than try and aggravate the police (who can be malicious bastards and get you back every opportunity they get) its an idea to tell them about the dangerous area of road as well, and about the incident, and just ask them to contact the council (or whoever takes care of roads) as well. Your throwing the blame their way, but not making a big deal, hopefully that way the road gets fixed, the officer in question gets warned, and you don't get pulled over by every police vehicle that sees you for a year :D

Hopefully your bikes as good as new now though
I can definently see both sides of this coin....for example one night I was riding home, doing about 65 in a 45 (two lane road in a rural area at 3:00am on a weeknight) and noticed some headlights several hundred yards behind me....next thing I know those headlights are screaming past me and startled me so bad I almost swerved onto the shoulder....turns out it was a police officer running about 110-120 with no red and blues or siren passing me on the double yellow (albeit a long straightaway). I was a little pissed, but I have also been on ride-alongs like YamahaMAXdRPMs where your running serious speeds without your lights and sirens because its easier to race around traffic than hit your lights because everyone panics and slams on their brakes, completely boxing things up. I'm sorry to hear you got sprayed in the face, and the officer has a legal responsibility to exercise caution to keep the general public safe.....but you also have a legal responsibility to wear eye protection at all times when operating a motorcycle, not just when it is comfortable.

Then there is the case of the little girl in the UK who was killed by a Policeman doing 95mph in a residential area with no blues flashing. I'm sorry but in my eyes its unjustifiable.
Then there is the case of the little girl in the UK who was killed by a Policeman doing 95mph in a residential area with no blues flashing. I'm sorry but in my eyes its unjustifiable.

Exactly, just because they are a police officer doesn't mean they should break the laws.
They are given the great responsibility and burden of being able to ignore certain restrictions the rest of us have to abide by, but only because they need those exceptions sometimes.

If the police can speed anytime, anywhere then your actually just saying that anyone with good driver training (since here at least they need to be trained before they are allowed to drive) can do any speed they want.
check this out: (caution, language)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jseV8OETvc]YouTube - Man pulls cop over for speeding[/ame]

this happened on the eastern shore of maryland not too long ago. i was actually on this road two weeks ago. basically a guy had a cop FLY past him and he got so pissed off about it he turned on his video camera and followed the cop to pull HIM over.
probably nothing just has a chip on he shoulder and vented on here to us

What's your deal man? This is a great place to vent...

Thanks for sharing the story mib7289. buccs opinion is pissing me off because a police officer should be held at a higher standard than your average idiot cager. They're supposedly there to help and protect us, and they are trained and paid to do such. I respect their sacrifices, but sometimes it's hard to see the good cops through all of the bad.
Hey, two weeks ago we were on ride Night in Los Angeles. I have 10 witnesses that can say that we were coming up to a green light and a LAPD van turned right at the intersection from the middle lane. We were all in the right lane. We all had to slam the brakes and I thought I could be plastered into the side of the van.

No lights or anything, but I don't hold a grudge that it's a cop - just a stupid cager in a van.....I HATE cargo vans. a cargo van totalled my last car too. They never look. But it being a police van made me think that if I ended up mushing into the side of the van that blatantly cut off 10 motorcyclists that I could have gotten a nice settlement. I'd rather not and we just kept riding instead of confronting the idiot DRIVER.
Bloody hell, if you filmed a Police officer over here they can take the camera off you and have you for the ridiculous Prevention of Terrorism Act or some utter crap.
"With great power comes great responsibility"

Anyway, I just wanted to say great job of keeping the bikes in control, pulling over, and not causing an accident! You guys are heros!
Wow so much defense for cops doing something that just isn't right.
There is no law forcing you to wear something to protect your face (only your head), its just a good idea.
If you had both died by losing control due to the police's irresponsibility it would have been a huge case, NEVERMIND whether they where going to save someone else.

One thing I think you should have done is contact the local council to report the gravel etc on the road. Thats the true danger, you are lucky you where both ok.
Rather than try and aggravate the police (who can be malicious bastards and get you back every opportunity they get) its an idea to tell them about the dangerous area of road as well, and about the incident, and just ask them to contact the council (or whoever takes care of roads) as well. Your throwing the blame their way, but not making a big deal, hopefully that way the road gets fixed, the officer in question gets warned, and you don't get pulled over by every police vehicle that sees you for a year :D

Hopefully your bikes as good as new now though

I didn't say facial protection....I said eye protection and every state I've been to here in the U.S. including states that don't have helmet laws do have laws about wearing sufficient eye protection to prevent such a disaster, I mean think how bad that would have been at freeway speeds, being suddenly blinded? I'm just glad our fellow rider is ok, but I think it is fair to point out the faults on both sides of the coin. Sounds like the cop was trying to be mister Team America, but that doesn't negate the fact there were other mistakes made in the situation. As for what Spen said I totally agree in that there are certainly cases where cops are being stupid and people get hurt. We had a highway patrolwoman here in Sparks get herself killed plowing through a red light into traffic that was traveling 60+ miles an hour and got centerpunched right through her door. Sad she died but 100% her fault....just because your a police officer doesn't make you a God among men and good officers know that.