The Nerve!!


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Aug 12, 2007
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Lou, Ky
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Thank God I was not on my cycle when this happened. I was driving my work truck on the highway, which is a big circle around my city, and I was gonna hit the interstate , as I was going past an on ramp , this lady in a black taurus , without using her turn signal or even realizing I was there, just throws her self into my lane, I was driving 55 to 60 MPH, and she was probably doing 35 when she changed lanes suddenly. I could only hit the brake , when she realized I was coming up on her so fast, she swerved in my lane and the right most lane in a S back and forth almost losing control, nearly causing the truck behind her to crash. She then called my company and I got the call from the boss of the company about my driving. The nerve!!, but if I were on my bike, would I have been able to slow fast enough not to rear end her? I dunno. Anyway, /rant off
911 tape reveals woman who shot motorcyclist also pulled gun on a driver in March | JUST POSTED | | News for Louisville, Kentucky
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No trouble and thank you for asking. I am from california with CA riding instincts driving in Louisville Kentucky. People here are crazy , insane and very very inconsiderate. I think mostly because you can carry a concealed deadly weapon. Makes people a lot ruder knowing they can just shoot you if you piss them off.
Just north of me, in Jeffersonville KY, a biker was shot by a black lady with a conceal deadly. She cut him off and when they came to the intersection he jumped off his bike to tell her off, and she shot him point blank. Said it was self defense. the attorney general in IND is deciding the case is it was murder or self defense.
No trouble and thank you for asking. I am from california with CA riding instincts driving in Louisville Kentucky. People here are crazy , insane and very very inconsiderate. I think mostly because you can carry a concealed deadly weapon. Makes people a lot ruder knowing they can just shoot you if you piss them off.

I'm glad you didn't get in trouble. Yeah, she probably would've mowed you down if you have been on the bike. :eek:
Sorry that happened man.

I am a huge proponet of CCDW. It is extremely rare for it to be used wrongly. I know I wouldnt.
Sorry that happened man.

I am a huge proponet of CCDW. It is extremely rare for it to be used wrongly. I know I wouldnt.

People tend to get into more trouble with the ccdw than without it. Hmmmm, I wonder why?

Hunter, just because you are in Kentucky doesn't mean you can carry a concealed weapon legally. Granted, the carrying of that weapon in a concealed manner can be done with a permt providing that permit is valid and you meet certain criteria as represented in the following citation:
People tend to get into more trouble with the ccdw than without it. Hmmmm, I wonder why?

Hunter, just because you are in Kentucky doesn't mean you can carry a concealed weapon legally. Granted, the carrying of that weapon in a concealed manner can be done with a permt providing that permit is valid and you meet certain criteria as represented in the following citation:

Now Charlie the above statement is untrue, and has been proven untrue. In states and citys with CCDW crime goes down. Murder goes down, and rape goes down.

The police are a reactive force unable to prevent crimes. The justice system punishes some of those that commit crimes. We have a right to defend ourselves legally and correctly. Armed law abiding citizens prevent crime. The case above is a abberation. I know a young lady who is now a CCDW holder. The reason why? She was raped by two men who then tried to stomp her to death, and left her for dead. She has a right to defend herself and will do so. Every time a woman becomes a CCDW holder it lowers the odds of rape for every woman even those that do not carry.

I know this is off topic. It was brought up in the tread. The above statement that CCDW causes people to get into more trouble than without it is untrue and has been proven many times.

In addition the bill of rights offers this a enumarated right so important as to be written down and inalienable. The Supreme court has repeatedly said this is so.
An armed society is a polite society. Your conclusion about armed people is not well reasoned. To carry a handgun is a dicipline much like martial arts and even akin to the dicipline of operating a motorcycle. People are rude or incompetent car drivers because the requirements of driving don't have the percieved responsibility that goes with riding or carrying a gun. By the same token there are folks who ride bikes or carry guns irresposibly. The case where the biker was shot was a case of both parties being abhorrently irrespobible with guns, cars, and bikes. The biker should have let it ride, the woman should have driven better and been less itchy on the trigger. Getting off of your bike to tell off someone is an idiotic thing to do. There was another case recently where a biker followed two girls home that had probably nearly killed him and their hot head dad shot and killed him. At least in that case the shooter will likely earn his proper puninshment.

Riders have their live's threatened all the time by negligent drivers and even their own neglegence. Glad you are all right, I don't know weather you grew up in the city or country, but metropolitan areas demand defensive driving. My wife is a country girl and she's had to play alot of catch up to survive driving in a city.
Hi Hunter,

Glad you are ok, I have gone past reacting to people who try to fix me up an appointment with the funeral home. Nice to see your boss also supports you.

The gun debate has been discussed before and will roll on and on and then some. Maybe this should go on its own thread?

I didnt mean to start a bunch of crap about the gun thing. If there were some way to identify a thug or rapist by dna before a child is born, and you could dispatch with said thug, then nobody would need to be armed. But, this is real life and it is good to defend one self. It just sucks that people cant be less self focused and care more for other people. If people have more of a heart for others, then I think bikers would be safer, women walking alone wouldnt have to be so afraid, and maybe people would look over their shoulder more to see who they may cut off in traffic.