the most cheapest cramp buster in the world

ah thank you brother, its clear now!
total thereifixedit though : )
you have imagination, you can get one for cheap from the web im sure!
Sory..just learn how to post picture....


this is my cramp buster ha..ha...any other DIY better than this?..please share with me...

I'm confused... what are we actually looking at here.
Is that just putting pressure on the end of the grip as a kind of cheap cruise control?
ya, those from singapore, its LAB.
wat do u expect from a 4SGD haha
it last me very long though. if it get loose jus cut some tube and put between the rest and the grip, indirectly making the grip thicker.

and i do believe LAB will not do any mailing of item. purely C&C

and i cant help too, reali sorry

It's ok...please find nmbr..& friend will outstation Singapore next week...he will find this stuff for me...
What you're using, IMO, is just dangerous.

If your jacket sleeve got caught on that clamp while you were riding, not a good thing :shakehead:

in singapore we can buy something like this for 4SGD, though its abit more exp, but much more safer
its made of plastic, very comfortable.. but very easy stolen..

I can get one of these locally pretty cheap, but does anyone know if it will fit over grip puppies? I have some of those on the way...
I have been following this thread for 3 pages and still only have a minimal and basic understanding of what the hell the OP is on about.

I'm not sure if this will help but the idea is to allow for a loser grip on the throddle and allow your wrist/ palm to keep the throddle in possition while ridding.

I don't mind so much the looks of the device, if it works it works however I do kinda wonder about the safty of it as well. A metal bracket pointing at your arm seems kinda like an accident waiting to happen. If your used to wearing ATGATT it wouldn't be so bad but it might wear holes in your gear.

(my 2 cents)
I can get one of these locally pretty cheap, but does anyone know if it will fit over grip puppies? I have some of those on the way...

If you buy the oversize crampbuster for the cruisers, then they should fit. I believe they come in two sizes, so if you bought the smaller version, the answer is no.