The meaning of life?

"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves."

Wow! I really didn't expect that. What is the quote from?
Defy.... I will have to watch that one another time... I am here in UTAH in the heart of Mormon country... scared to watch any of that stuff here.. (JK)

I am here skiing for a week at Powder Mt and Snowbasin... flew in today and hope to ski with BOTCH in the middle of the week

Must the "meaning of Life" always be associated with some spiritual belief?
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Must the "meaning of Life" always be associated with some spiritual belief?

Are you addressing someone or something specifically or just making a general comment about the thread?

There's either some higher being / spiritual world or there isn't a meaning to life, no? I don't view reproduction like Bren mentioned as something that would constitute meaning.

In other words, I don't know if life has meaning. If I knew there was a god (not saying I know there isn't) and I knew there was meaning to life, I'd probably feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside...for now, to get up in the morning, I need goals...I create my own purpose but it's a very short-term purpose I suppose...only expecting to live 80 years or so.
Are you addressing someone or something specifically or just making a general comment about the thread?

There's either some higher being / spiritual world or there isn't a meaning to life, no? I don't view reproduction like Bren mentioned as something that would constitute meaning.

In other words, I don't know if life has meaning. If I knew there was a god (not saying I know there isn't) and I knew there was meaning to life, I'd probably feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside...for now, to get up in the morning, I need goals...I create my own purpose but it's a very short-term purpose I suppose...only expecting to live 80 years or so.

It's just a general thought DI. I don't believe in God although I do see a purpose in having faith as it tends to give people a method to direction. I find it interesting that you associate life with time, 80 years in this case. Why is it that H sapiens sapiens is the only species that considers time in most everything they do. Time to cook the steak just right, time to get to work, time to make 1 lap at the track and time to wake up in the morning.

As it turns out time is relative to all earthly species and it is accurate to a few minutes within any one 24 hour period. Folks affectionately call this their biological clock and we biologists call this cercadian rhythm. This clock if you will is endogeneously generated although it is primarily triggered by light.

Regardless of the species, the "meaning of life" is a function of thought and whose to say which species does or doesn't think? A species is defined as an organism or group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. Based on this biological definition, is God a species?
Based on this biological definition, is God a species?

Well, the Bible says that we are created in His image, so I'd say yes....He is a species.
Spirituality (as you know) doesn't necessarily need to be directly associated with an organized religion or a belief in a Supreme Being.
I'm sure that most of us have had Spiritual moments that have nothing even remotely to do with either.
As to the meaning of life, I don't think that it really has much meaning to us as individuals beyond making the most of the privilege of being alive, being self-aware and enjoying our time on this planet as much as possible, without harming ourselves anyone else in the process (much).
If there is a 'Great Reward' at the end of it all, I just wish it was made a bit more obvious to us.
Well, the Bible says that we are created in His image, so I'd say yes....He is a species.
Spirituality (as you know) doesn't necessarily need to be directly associated with an organized religion or a belief in a Supreme Being.
I'm sure that most of us have had Spiritual moments that have nothing even remotely to do with either.
As to the meaning of life, I don't think that it really has much meaning to us as individuals beyond making the most of the privilege of being alive, being self-aware and enjoying our time on this planet as much as possible, without harming ourselves anyone else in the process (much).
If there is a 'Great Reward' at the end of it all, I just wish it was made a bit more obvious to us.

While I do agree, does this great reward you speak of offer bike rentals???
While I do agree, does this great reward you speak of offer bike rentals???

If it really was a great reward it would be free, wouldn't it ;)

I am personally more than convinced that there is another spiritual life after this one, either that or some greater power has been having a hell of a laugh. I'm only not sure if it is heaven, the happy hunting ground, valhalla or (more probably) none of the above.
If it really was a great reward it would be free, wouldn't it ;)

I am personally more than convinced that there is another spiritual life after this one, either that or some greater power has been having a hell of a laugh. I'm only not sure if it is heaven, the happy hunting ground, valhalla or (more probably) none of the above.

Hey, when you find out will you put me down for being a toilet seat in the Playboy mansion. I figure this will keep me busy for the length of my next life in which there will be a whole new meaning....... OH YEAH!!!!!
Hey, when you find out will you put me down for being a toilet seat in the Playboy mansion. I figure this will keep me busy for the length of my next life in which there will be a whole new meaning....... OH YEAH!!!!!

So you go with the great bathroom/toilet in the sky theory :thumbup:
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So you go with the great sh1t house in the sky theory :thumbup:

Dude, please be sure it's the women's side. If there is a long line for the toilet seat could you at least put me down for the shower head in that same bathroom?

OK. I'm ready to go now........
Hey, when you find out will you put me down for being a toilet seat in the Playboy mansion...
I first read that as "putting down the toilet seat in the Playboy mansion" and couldn't stop laughing! I guess if Hef is paying the mortgage he can leave the seat up as much as he wants! (although I'm betting the mansion probably has urinals in every bathroom) ;)
God created man from dust and breathed into him the breath of life. As to fossils and age of the Earth.... two words "Apparent Age" God created them with age. Surely that would not be too hard for God --- as was pointed out he spoke everything but man into existence. the Latin phrase is Ex Nihilo = Out of Nothing (that will baffle your mind -- as it should )

The nice thing about faith and god is the lack of necessity for proof and because of this god can live in a closet forever. The reality of it all is simply that faith requires little in terms of positive evidence where fossils require proof, evidence to support that proof and a review process to support the findings. The only faith required is faith in the fact that if the evidence is wrong it "will" be disproved in time. I will however concede absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The ring around the tub and the great flood.
Here's one I have enjoyed playing with for some time. If the earth were completely flooded and no land were present it would be very much like you filling your bath tub with dirty water. when you drained the tub you would find a ring left by the dirt. The same holds true for the flood with one exception, there is no ring and there is no geologic evidence to support a ring.
Now lets take this one step further. If Noah built a ship the size of the Ark with known building materials and construction methods it would sink like a rock. Keel first technology didn't even exist before the 11th century and I suggest two termites reproducing at an normal rate would have caused enough damage to simply help sink that Ark even faster. Bottom line, stories are cool and while I do believe the great flood could have occurred on a local level, I highly doubt it ever effected other areas of the planet.
I remember the days when you got a group of bikers together it was obligatory to discuss sex & drugs & rock 'n' roll. And to tell each other lies about how fast you were. :rockon:

Sounds like a fishing or huntings story don't it???