The Harsh Barge

Terrific read. Thanks for sharing your adventures. Brew yourselves a pot of cat poo, add a lump of coal, and read up, folks!

(WC = Water Closet :rolleyes: )
Just finished a 6 month, 20,000 km motorcycle trip across 8 Asian countries.

Check it out!

The Harsh Barge:


Heres some things that happened along the way:
  • Total probably about 30 flat tires
  • Ran over a goat on the highway in Sumatra
  • A bird hit me in the chest in Sumatra.
  • In Vietnam my rear suspension blew out on a curve, leaving entire wheel crooked (didn't crash!).
  • In India I Got hit by a car on the highway, fell off bike and a 10-wheel truck ran over my foot. Fractured 3rd metatarsal and skinned toes (Tip: don't wear flip-flops)
  • Fell off an 8 foot ledge in Nepal, bike landed on top of me.
  • In Sumatra I rode off a rice field trail into a stream, bike on top of me in the water with gas pouring out.
  • Never once payed to sleep! --Camping, Roughing it, Sleeping in temples etc..
  • Got stranded in the Kashmir Himalayas, with no mechanic or gas station for 500km, no spark plug, pushed bike for 25 km and found a settlement of tents, eventually met another motorcyclist with fitting spark plug.
  • Rode over the 2nd highest motorable road mountain pass in the world in Kashmir
  • Rode into a pit of knee-high mud in Vietnam
  • Tire blowout on Bangkok highway and another in traffic jam.
  • Towed my buddy's motorcycle 200 km in India

Now I get to go back to my beloved FZ6 soon!
What bike were you riding and where are the pics?

Terrific read. Thanks for sharing your adventures. Brew yourselves a pot of cat poo, add a lump of coal, and read up, folks!

(WC = Water Closet :rolleyes: )

Haha yea thanks for reading! Glad you liked it.
My friend TB (on the right) wrote most of the blog, it was his first time travelling, I definitely facepalmed when I read the WC comment.

What bike were you riding and where are the pics?


I did the trip mainly on 4 different bikes due to national laws it's really difficult and very expensive to cross certain borders with the same bike. Instead what

I rode a 125cc Honda GL Max 5000km in Indonesia.

Then southern Thailand I rode a 110cc Honda Win AKA "The Dirty Black Hoe"

Then Vietnam Cambodia and the rest of Thailand I rode another Honda Win:

Then we crossed to India and I got a TVS Apache


All the bikes were bought for about $400 then we were able to resell them
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