Tasmania Forum Trip - Pics at last :)

Incredible coastline pictures. The picture of the lobster in Kingston, is that an area that is know for Australian Lobsters? I love eating lobsters.
I wll endeavour to post a truckload of pics from the trip,when i get home tonight....i too have been slack!

I also have lots of video from some of our rides...but that will take forever to upload to youtube with my poor internet connection.


Great job so far Kazza & Humpy.

Why is my beard red??

Other than that awesome photo's, makes me want the FZ back so I can do it myself!!!

Its a common known trait for those who were let out of the asylum to have a red tinge to their beards :eek: :BLAA:

As for the bike , well you have 2 years to achieve it before we return :thumbup:
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LOL.. here in the states we call that an average commute!

Holy carp! 90 miles without a bend is average? How on earth do you stay awake? I have a theory that roads should be twisty in order to keep people awake. Seriously, I've ridden 1000km of mostly straight roads, and been taking hits, only to pep up as soon as I hit the twisties.
Holy carp! 90 miles without a bend is average? How on earth do you stay awake? I have a theory that roads should be twisty in order to keep people awake. Seriously, I've ridden 1000km of mostly straight roads, and been taking hits, only to pep up as soon as I hit the twisties.


What he said, in fact,i think i have been through the exact same experience...straight roads are mind numbing!

Holy carp! 90 miles without a bend is average? How on earth do you stay awake? I have a theory that roads should be twisty in order to keep people awake. Seriously, I've ridden 1000km of mostly straight roads, and been taking hits, only to pep up as soon as I hit the twisties.

I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately, that idea was largely overlooked when so many of the roads were built here. I guess the vast distances were the main motivation for building these infinite straight lines. It's all about "getting there quicker" here. That's why American cars used to be so different too.. loads of power and weight and terrible handling (soft suspension).. perfect for loooong straight line cruising.
Who wants more pics ?? Nope , nobody :confused: Ohh well your getting some more anyway :D

1. Corella stealing Karen's money ;)
2. Karen giving the Tawny Frogmouth some love :)
3. Eyes on the ball
4. Hawk goes in :eek:
5. Hawk comes out :cheer:
6. The Hawk is a beautiful bird
7. Some shady characters :rolleyes:
8. Tarraleah power station
9. Incredible contrasts of the Tasmanian wilderness , from snow to lush green grasses
10. Something dodgey going on here :)
1. A postcard in every direction
2. Kel loves moss :don'tknow:
3. Franklin river
4. Stunning is a word that comes to mind
5. Breathtaking Nelson Falls
6. You would never be found in there
7. Smile dear :)
8. Strahan Police station
9. Strahan sunset
10. Jamie & Jess in the pub at Strahan
Its the run home now :(

1. Sleepy Kaz
2. Me & Kel saying Bye Bye to Tassie
3. Bikes in the boat
4. Back in Melbourne
5. Fairwell breakfast
6. Wind farm at Gunning NSW
7 , 8 , 9 My Mum , Bro , Sis-in-law & Niece's at play in Sydney
10 Port Maquarie Spa , of how I loved you wonderful Spa:D
And the last couple...

1. Port Macqurie breakfast view
2. Breakfast fit for a king & the final meal before
3. Home Sweet Home

5962 kilometres of the most amazing experience , great times & awesome friends anybody could ever have..... It was a pleasure to share it with you all :thumbup:
I'm glad you all love our pics.

I can't wait to go back again. Beautiful place and made some lifelong friends!

Roll on 2013 :steve:
Thanks to both Kazza and Humperdinkel for the great pics, makes me more and more inclined to do more and more riding. (I think I need to get my wife on her own bike...hmmm)
I repeat! Great photos from you all! Thank you so much for sharing with us! :rockon:
It makes my life richer! :BLAA: