Sunday, June 3rd - NJ / PA Ride

I just finished fixing the Daytona, flushed the coolant system, put a new (read:used) radiator on with a Cox Racing radiator guard, cleaned the air filter, throttle bodies velocity stacks and airbox. Topped it off with Engine Ice since its track ready. Bikes running like a champ again.

However I will not be able to do this run tomorrow due to work, next weekend its the Return of The Daytona. :rockon:
There is NO way this conversation is going to go smoothly:

Pookamatic: Hey baby... I'm going out for a ride!
Mrs. Pook: Cool. Where to?
New Jersey
Yeah - gonna meet up with some new bike peeps from the internets.
What? Like in Mullica Hill or something?
Sorta or something.
... How long will you be?
Well... I'll probably grab lunch out.
*squinty eyes*
I mean... *cough* dinner too *cough*
*dagger eyes*
Umm... *sneeze* 11 hours *sneeze* don't wait up *sneeze* Phew! These dang allergies!
*laser eyes*
But honeeeeey...
OK. Just get home safe!
Yeah. I want you in good condition as you enter the House of Pain.
Is that like the House of Pancakes? I LOVE pancakes!

Funny....but you know how you can avoid these conversations?

Get her a bike so she can ride with you! :thumbup:
My new GPS sucks worse than the old one :(
Apparently it only allows one via point on the way to destination. This just means that I'm gonna have to make few extra stops along the way :(

I did ride a lot of the planned roads today and some of them suck. On the bright side, I found a lot of other roads which were very nice, so the route is going to be just slightly different.

There's one spot on a really good road where someone dumped a truck-load of gravel in the middle of the road!! I'm talking solid 3-4" of gravel for about 20 feet.. sucks to hit it at 50. Now I know where it is though.. so I'll make sure everyone slows down :D .. I'm also hoping it may be better by tomorrow as normal traffic will spread the gravel out a bit.
Gonna go check few roads on our route today.. some of them I've only been on once :thumbup:

So we've got:


Is that right? I'll PM you all my phone number.

Sorry, I'm out. I overextended my night out last night and need to spend time with the fam. REALLY wanted to meet you guys and ride tomorrow. Have a great ride!
Here's the route we actually did.. all in all pretty damn good. Got stuck behind slow moving cars a lot though in what would otherwise be very fun twisty spots :( 6/3/2012 Moto Ride
Here's the route we actually did.. all in all pretty damn good. Got stuck behind slow moving cars a lot though in what would otherwise be very fun twisty spots :( 6/3/2012 Moto Ride

Route looked awesome; I really really hope I will be able to join next time (or two); sadly I have several work trips over the next 2 months (perfect timing, I know)... hope you guys enjoyed it though!!!