Stuck filter


Junior Member
Oct 25, 2008
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Dubai, UAE
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HI all,

15 min job ended up in a mess, its 2 am here and i will have to leave the bike overnight with no oil.

1) i didn't screw it in, a mechanic did :s
If this ever got off, i'll not screw it that way, i read enough about it.

2) i tried unscrewing by hand > by grip gloves> sand paper 80 grits and grip gloves> then tried the screw driver > tried all methods again !!!!
Tired with bike on center stand, side kick, and even i put it on the side on the frame sliders.

So now, i ended up with screwed up filter i can't get off.
got a track day in 2 days and need to do it quickly. please help

What do you suggest????
I can run to hardware store and get the filter wrench the one with strap, will it work or crush it more. it is already fcuked up.

I'm afraid to try more and rip it off, what do you think? if it is ripped off can i do it totally off and install new one?

i don't want to tow my bike to garage for this.

Please help.


I had this happen once on the FZ, I had a KN filter with the socket and it was so stuck that it stripped the head. Then I tried a couple filter wrenches I had with no luck and then the screw driver with no luck also. I went to the auto store and picked up a wrench that looks kinda like a C with teeth and it worked great. Here is a picture of one that looks almost the exact same. Good luck...I also found it helped to unscrew it near the base so that there was less filter to twist and disform. filter wrench.jpg
Get a pair of slip jaw pliers, and grab zccross the head of the filter with them, and twist the pliers.... it will almost certainly rotate, and let you take off the filter. You cannot damage the filter further.... don't worry about that.
Failing the above method, I would lay it back on the sliders, then use a metal chisel and a ball peen hammer on the rolled edge of the filter. Make certain you are knocking it in the loosen direction.

Knipex makes about the best oil filter pliers out there in my mind.
Did you punch a screw driver all the way out the other side? Are you sure you are turning it the right way, just want to check dumber things have happened. I had to use a screw driver twice, I finally went and purchased a filter wrench that you put a 3/8 " drive ratchet and as you turn it squeezes tighter.
so, i'm off tomorrow to the hardware shop for filter wrench like the link posted, and slip jaw pliers.

I'm using the right hand rule, twisting it CCW. it should be right except there is special rule for filters !!!

i tried to screw driver and you can see that i went in all the way then when i started twisting, it just cut through the filter.

writeme43, i didn't get exactly how can i do it your way...

What if i tired these and it got worse. will it be still ok, there is a solutoin to "peel" off teh filter and pull it out????

appreciated your replies guys. really thanks.
A strap wrench will work like a charm on that filter!

Get one that has a square drive. Like the one below.

$6.99 new

Cal-Van Tools Strap Oil Filter Wrench - 814
This filter wrench adjusts quickly to fit any spin on filter up to 6-in. diameter. Strong nylon web belt will not slip. Use with 1/2-in. square drive wrench.
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You can also throw a belt on there and pull the hell out of it. Just wrap it around so that as you pull it it tightens CCW.
I had this happen once on the FZ, I had a KN filter with the socket and it was so stuck that it stripped the head. Then I tried a couple filter wrenches I had with no luck and then the screw driver with no luck also. I went to the auto store and picked up a wrench that looks kinda like a C with teeth and it worked great. Here is a picture of one that looks almost the exact same. Good luck...I also found it helped to unscrew it near the base so that there was less filter to twist and disform. filter wrench.jpg
This exact same thing happened to me on my first change and that tool was the only thing that worked!

Good call.
Basicly the way I am talking about is the method of last resort.

A sharp metal chisel is placed on the lower rolled lip nearest the mounting surface like you are trying to slice a 45 degree chunk of the filter off in the direction that you want the filter to spin. Hit it hard with the hammer. It will gouge into the filter base and break it loose so it can come off. You have to be very concious of what you are doing as a screwup will damage the seat surface on the block. I have had to do that a few times on big trucks that goombas worked on before me.
Ok, after your replies, i went before work for the hardware store.

Note i'm in the UAE so not everything is available.

below is the photo of the tools i found, i'm at work now and i can't wait to go back home and give it another go :s

Got the chisel just in case i needed to peel it off my bike.

one question. Will a WD40 help? or one of the chemicals to get things loose?

Thanks all for your replies

Hey yoka,
Me too in UAE, at Abu Dhabi to be precise. I have seen someother tool with the yammie service guys during an oil change at Al yousuf motors. Though I never tried it myself so far.
Good luck...!
All else fails or if the filter gets shredded I ended up shredding off the end then taking to needlenose pliers and turning the walls it came right off...


Thanks guys alot for your great help.

kept trying with the oil wrench as i thought this other tool will damage it further.

Actually it did, but it made it rotate like a charm.... of course cursing was a big aid :D

thank you all, and hope noone have the same problem again, it is really freaking ugly and messy.

I tightened the new filter by hand only "despite it got a nut to wrench it"
I also applied oil on the ring.

took it for a spin, it sounded great. as i also adjusted the sproket, and lubed the chain.

first time to do any of the above so i'm extremely excited.

tomorrow i should be checking the brake oil level, installing 2bros juice box.

then i take it for a good clean, and i'd be ready for 2 days of california superbike school.

cheers all

Cycovin, if you passed by dubai, pm me and i'll give you my number.

Failing the above method, I would lay it back on the sliders, then use a metal chisel and a ball peen hammer on the rolled edge of the filter. Make certain you are knocking it in the loosen direction.

Knipex makes about the best oil filter pliers out there in my mind.

I love Knipex pliers. Do they actually have specific oil filter pliers or are you using something like the cobra or alligator pliers?