steering screwed


Junior Member
Jun 2, 2009
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Pittsburgh, PA
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So I recognize this is probably a problem I should take to the shop, but I'm poor... haha. Plus I like learning things the hard way :)

So my bike randomly started having some REALLY screwy steering problems a while back. It pulled really hard when I tried to take corners. I had to ride though because it's my only vehicle and how I get to work. When this happened the whole front end had been getting loose on me and I thought I knew why that was and ordered some parts for it, but that part isn't important outside of me not realizing I was wrong and there was an entirely different problem.

Anyway what it all ended up being was that a bolt had been loose from where I bolted my stay back onto the bike. It ended up shaking out at some point along the way (the bottom one). This wasn't immediately obvious to me outside of the increasing front end shaking on bumps so I didn't realize it was what needed to be fixed. Well apparently the strain from having only 1 bolt was too much and the stay started to crack in the middle (still unaware of this). This is where I think my problems arose because I eventually figured this out and fixed it. I replaced the bolt and epoxied the crack which was allowing the whole front to move on turns and bumps. It's now solid as a rock.

Fixing this problem improved the turning... however it's not completely better. It still pulls and when I'm going at lower speeds the bike tries to wobble back and forth like a bicycle when you're going really slow. When I turn right the wheel tries to turn hard right, and when I turn left it tries to turn hard left and I have to press against it to keep the wheel in line with the turn. Not as hard as before, but it's still noticeable.

After fixing the more obvious issue, I don't know what else could be causing this. Does anyone have any ideas?
Dude is your rear axle tight?

Check your steering head bearings.

Did you lower the bike thru the forks?
If what Steve mentioned is true (forks), is the same amount of fork showing above the top triple for EACH fork?

Also, what is the current tire pressure?