State Golf Blowup!!


Junior Member
Aug 19, 2008
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So I just finished my senior year of high school about 2 weeks ago and got our high school golf team to state for the second year in a row. I skipped the practice round at the course so I could walk with my class at graduation, first mistake. My wrist was kind of bothering me the week before state so I didn't golf at all, second mistake.

Anyways I got down to Madison for the state tournament on sunday and spent all night texting my girlfriend who was back home at a party, third mistake. So the next morning I pulled into the course after about 2 hours of sleep. After teeing off I was playing pretty well on the front nine for the difficulty of the course. Then came the back nine. After completely melting down on just about every hole on the back nine I scrambled out with a 91.:spank: Definitely not good for a 7 handicap but i was still ok with it.

Next came the second day of the tournament. I was ready for some major redemption. After the first hole the meltdown began again!!:eek: To make a long story short, probably 20 shanks and 102 strokes later I was finished with my final high school tournament.

Way to go out with a bang :banghead:
Not a big golf fan. Dont follow it at all, although I do enjoy tiger woods on the 360. 20 shanks in 18 holes doesnt seem like a very good ratio however.
You already know this but proper preparation usually ends in positive results. I'm sorry to hear about your performance but take the learning experience from the whole ordeal and make sure that you're ready for the next round. True it won't be in high school but it will be somewhere.