So I went down today....


Loud pipes save lives!
Jun 22, 2008
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On my way to dinner with friends. Was only a 5 minute ride but I stilled geared up. I had my coat, gloves, and carhart pants with boots. Anyways, I'm coming up to a light that's still green and I downshift to first and prepare for the right turn I've done some many times before. I start the turn and little did I know that a few days ago, the crosswalk had been repainted. I lean into the turn and before I know it, I'm sliding down the road. The nice thing is I wasn't going fast and the people that saw it happen on the other side of the median came to help. For some reason, the people behind me just went around without slowing down! Before the people could get to me I picked up my bike and pushed it to the curbed and checked myself and the bike out. Everything on the bike is good to go thanks to the frame sliders! I myself am good to go as well thanks to my gear and especially my pants. After I got to my friends place I did a double check and all is well, except for a bruised ego of course!:D All I got was a tiny rash on my hip and picked out some asphalt from my pants. Thankfully that was all that happened and then I had a smoke to settle down...LOL

Here are a couple pics I took to share with you all. One is the frame slider which is the best 40 bucks I've ever spent! The other is a pic of the nice skid trail I left.:D

I now officially fit the "Those that have been down" category after my long standing in the "Those that have yet to go down".
Glad your ok man. Good deal on the bike being ok too. Keep it shiney side up. LOL
Wow -- in the blink of an eye, huh? I really have so much to learn about riding these things. What kind of tires do you have and do you think they contributed to your loss of control?

Good to hear the damage to both you and the bike is minimal.

Damn, that sucks....glad you were wearing your gear and you're okay!!!! Just imagine what you would look like if you weren't wearing gear!?!?!:eek:
If there's a right way to lay it down, you did it. :cheer:
Glad your good to go!, frame sliders the first "mod" every one should do.

Don't you just love new paint, I wonder if the dodo's who manufacture stuff for road marking/repair have ever ridden before, between the tar snakes,marking paint,bridge joints,cold patch, I wonder if sometimes they aren't out to kill us...:eek:
Glad you are ok and your bike faired well. What kind of sliders do you have?
Wow -- in the blink of an eye, huh? I really have so much to learn about riding these things. What kind of tires do you have and do you think they contributed to your loss of control?

Good to hear the damage to both you and the bike is minimal.


The front tire is brand new, only a few weeks old but already broken in. The rear tire is about half life but I can't rememeber the brand off-hand. Do I think that was the problem? Negative. It was all thanks to the paint! I have slipped before because of the paint and have always been weary since and never thought that it would be the first thing that would cause me to go down. I admit I was a :squid: (like everyone at some point) but ironic that's not what caused it!! LOL

I got the frame slider's from but I don't remember them being that expensive but it was about 2 years ago when I bought them. Mine are constructed of all aluminum so I may have payed 90 bucks. Either way, they are well worth it for sure!!:rockon: If you haven't already, PLEASE put them on your to do list!:Flash: You will not regret them in the time of need no matter what you paid. I guess they're kinda like a bikes helmet/gloves LOL

Frame Sliders & Bar Ends :: Solo Moto Parts

Now for the helmet. I did not hit the ground with it. It was a pretty short distance to fall since I was already leaning and after looking I didn't see any scratches. The funny thing is I was just looking at new helmets about a week or so ago since mine is about 2 years old and about to fall apart (modular type).

Am I being told something?

Anyways, thank you everyone for all your thoughts and support!:D

Bottom line:
1. Invest in frame sliders!
2. The bikes O.K. (yes it's listed second)
3. I'm O.K
4. Watch out for the painted lines
Hey Boss, glad to hear you and your bike both had the proper gear. Even at low speed it could have been very painfull. A few months ago the parking deck ramp at work was repainted, lucky for me that I knew that. Even to date it's still slick and poses some concern whenever I'm coming to that section.
Again, glad to hear you're okay.
I'm glad you were prepared and had you gear on, otherwise that would have been an few nice raspberries!

People ask why I gear up to go to the grocery store a mile away, you never know.
sorry to hear this,,thankfully you are ok

frame sliders are exactly for these situations,,,glad that they did their job very well...
Hey bro I am glad you are ok. What makes you slip on those paint lines is the silicia sand they put on top of the paint to make it reflective. That paint actually dries within 10 minutes of hitting the ground. Silicia sand is like slipping on oil when its on the ground, I've done it and a couple coworkers have took a digger. I cant imagine hitting that stuff on a bike.
Glad you're okay. Glad you were wearing your gear. People often get complacent on a short ride like you were doing and forget (or don't know) most incidents happen very close to home. Again, glad you and the bike are alright.
glad your ok.. and the bike didnt take much damage. about how fast do you think you were going?

I figure i was around 15-20mph. Somewhere around there.

I knew about the reflective sand stuff and figured that's what it was. Also, upon further investigation, my buddy and I noticed that the area I went down in was slippery from who know's what. That's what saved my skin by sliding. Kind of a catch 22 there: slippery=bad before crash-- slippery= good after crash LOL