Sleet and freezing temps...packing up the FZ6


Junior Cheeseburger
Jul 20, 2008
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Western Wisconsin
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I know it seems a little early for all you hard core types, but the sleet and rain in western WI pushed me to winterize and store my baby for the winter today. Depressing, especially since I've been spending every weekend since early September building a deck on my house and the bike probably thought it was an orphan :(. Gotta have priorities and that deck had to get done before the snow flies.

Can't wait 'til spring!
It's going to warm up a bit by the end of next week. You can't pack 'er in yet!
I laughed when I read this, because today made me think of doing the same thing. I think I'll wait a few more weeks. Go Pack!
I know how you feel I'm going to get mine ready to be stored in the next week. I will be keeping my virago out a little longer in case of nice weather.
Didn't even make my goal of 7k miles :(
still riding here in NH. I need to get a ramp going into my basement soon though, not that i will use it yet, but i need to start getting prepared...
I know it seems a little early for all you hard core types, but the sleet and rain in western WI pushed me to winterize and store my baby for the winter today. Depressing, especially since I've been spending every weekend since early September building a deck on my house and the bike probably thought it was an orphan :(. Gotta have priorities and that deck had to get done before the snow flies.

Can't wait 'til spring!

No - not yet! We had snow flurries in my part of WI - but the weather man is saying 60 by Wednesday and 50's holding through Sunday. I plan to RIDE! :rockon:

And - I just got the bike a couple of weeks ago, so I can't put it away just yet. I will just pile more layers on.
I live in is definately getting cold in the mornings, I put my wifes bike away last weekend and I will put the FZ away next weekend. I hate to do it, but it will be snowing before you know it...!

Of course I plan to ride the rest of this week though...:rolleyes:
in Kentucky it started sleeting a little, but its only 39 here at 8:00 on monday night. But it will be back to 60's by the weekend..
Low 30s and rain/snow mix here in Michigan.

I'm fighting back! I just ordered Powermadd handguards and I'm ready to crank up the heated grips. BRING IT ON!

As long as it's dry I'll ride into the upper 20s, until the first major snowfall, or December 1st (whichever comes first). I've gotta be a bit careful since I'm storing my bike at a friends house and have to be able to ride it there!
lo siento to all u northerners.... well today at my place it was a blistering 61 degrees.... it was so cold that i had to duck behind my fairings the entire way to class... :thumbup: