Skipping! A very dangerous pursuit!


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Well, i have mentioned it elsewhere on this forum, but i thought this was silly enough to share with the whole forum.

Wednesday night/ Thursday Morning, i had just finished my gig as a DJ at about 3.30am, when i decided that i should go say hi to my work buddies girlfriend, who was waiting outside the venue i was working at, in the carpark, in his car, ready to take him to the airport for a red eye flight at 5,30am!

I also thought that she may enjoy a lollie or two, so i picked up the "little red riding hood" basket we have on stage, to give out lollies to the club patrons throughout the night, and proceeded to make my way to the carpark, with the basket under my arm...

As soon as i got to the carpark, and she could see me, i thought, hmmm, i am holding the little red riding hood basket, perhaps i should "skip: over to her car, like little red riding hood would!....i like a bit of a laugh...and i reckon the site of a 40+ year old bloke, dressed in a ffluffy fluoro colored vest, swinging a lollie basket, would be pretty amusing!

So anyway, i take one skip off the right leg, then try to take a second skip off the left leg...the moment i lift my left leg....."SNAP" goes my left calf muscle!!!! And i mean snap...i heard it!!!

Acute agony follows....immediately!

So after stumbling about for a bit, and handing over my lollie stash to it's intended recipient...i decide that i have really hurt myself, and go to the Hospital!!!

Tell them my story, they laugh at me a lot...check me out, and send me on my way 5 hours later....

Today i went to get an ultrasound on said calf muscle...and find out the reason i cannot walk at the moment is because i now have a 20cm (8 inch) tear in my left calf....

needs an operation apparently, but because i have a rather nasty heamotoma in the same calf, from the will go near it, to operate!

so i am "doomed" to about 12 weeks of "Difficulty", getting about!!!

Moral of the story.....40+ year old men, should not "Skip"!!!!

get well soon wolfy, no more skipping for a while then ;)

I have recently been suffering with shin splints, after running around with the kids (which has made changing gear agony ). Damn I'm getting old and "brittle" too :(.
get well soon wolfy, no more skipping for a while then ;)

I have recently been suffering with shin splints, after running around with the kids (which has made changing gear agony ). Damn I'm getting old and "brittle" too :(.

Yes....age! I used to play heaps of Sport, and in fact, i am still pretty active, but i have never had a muscle tear as severe as this's pretty insane! And i do put it down to the fact i am getting older.... :eek:

Weird thing is, as a person, i dont feel any different than when i was in my 20''s just physically, that i am falling apart! :eek:

Oh well, this wont stop me from carrying on....just one more thing to put on the "avoid" list!

Ok, after finding out about this yesteday, I had a really good laugh. Now you've made me feel really, really guilty.

Are you still going to be able to ride soon? Bad news Jamie :(

But, if you have to relax, you can catch up with all those DVDs you haven't yet seen - Twilight, Twilight: New Moon and soon Twilight: Eclipse :D
I done a calf strain at footy about a month ago, tried to get back to training a couple of times since and I just can't shake it. I've been told it's career ending for guys over 30 if it happens, luck I'm only 28 :Flash: It's crazy cause at full pace or walking it's fine, but I can't jog, jump or walk/run up hill without pain. Lucky for me footy season is over and I get to sit back and drink and watch the boys play finals.

That's only a strain, I can't even imagine what yours feels like Jamie so I won't pick on ya.
I will admit that I did get a chuckle - you painted a great mental picture. Yeah, the problem with being 40+ is that you get these ideas that seem great at the time but turns out - not so much!

I hope you heal quick but well, you are probably going to need to be patient with your body. I'm definitely sending you a sympathy hug.
get well soon wolfy, no more skipping for a while then ;)

I have recently been suffering with shin splints, after running around with the kids (which has made changing gear agony ). Damn I'm getting old and "brittle" too :(.

slightly ot, try barefoot running, or at least wearing some vibram five fingers. It'll make you run properly, and get rid of any calf/hip/knee pain, and as an added bonus will strengthen your calves. Just work up to it slowly, it's like learning to walk all over again.

All the best wolfman, hope it heals up ok. I'm surprised it tore that easily tbh!
Ouch. But :rof: at the mechanism of injury.

Seriously now, make sure you get it looked after. That is your 'hold up the bike at the stop-sign' leg, and you want it to be able to 'weight bear' properly. No wait... you guys are backwards down there, so maybe you use the right leg to hold the bike up... :confused: What side are your brakes on...? Or your stop-signs for that matter...??? :don'tknow: I gotta find some vegemite! I bet the answers are in the bottom of the jar!


I'm just joshing you. Take the time to properly heal up. And use this time to spoil yourself. Being injured is one of the times where it's ok to be waited on hand and foot! ;) Also, think of all the free time as useful for getting the dirt on Rossi to poke fun @ Kazza! :D
Hmmmm. Not the story I heard. I heard you were skipping along with a basket of goodies to granma's place and you dropped a lolly. Just as you were bending over to pick it up you thought you saw Valentina Rossi sneaking up behind you, and in a fit of sheer terror, tried to straighten up, run, jump, and skip all at the same time, whereupon you slipped on the lolly and tore your calf.

Well that's what I heard. Possibly not what was said. :BLAA:

don't worry mate. In the same fix I'd have done hte same.:BLAA:
A bit of TLC will see you back on the bike in no time mate :thumbup: Now that you cant ride you could always chuck a sickie & head up this way & join us at the ASBK :D

Dont pay any attention Kazza either , fancy telling you to heal by watching Twicrap :shakehead:.... You could do some permanent damage whilst running to dunny to throw up :D

Now that you have ample time on your hands , lets see Kazza out post you now :BLAA:
Sorry to hear about your injury. It's a scary thing getting old and having an injury. There's just something about knowing your not going to just bounce back without extra effort. I know I'm not in my 40's yet, but I'm close enough.

Take care and heal up quick.
Geez Wolfy that really sucks :( Hope it heals up quicker than that ! Maybe you can pull Rossi and be up and riding in what was it 4weeks ???

Take care m8 !
OK so this is a tough one, first, the image of you skipping cracks me up and I'm thinking it was a brilliant idea in concept. Then the reality of a torn muscle takes over and I'm not so amused. Sorry to hear that, keep us posted on your leg. As we are bikers and agree that stock sucks, I'm thinkin a magnesium rod powered by a hydraulic cylinder connected by heim joints at the ankle and knee might just do the trick. Seriously, good luck and get better soon.
In retrospect, and other than staying home on your couch, is there something you could have done to avoid the accident? I know it wasn't "your fault" per se, but it's important to share your "lessons learned" with the rest of the group. It could save someone one day. How does your gear look?

I really only have one thing to say:

:rof: :rof: :rof: :rof: :rof:
In retrospect, and other than staying home on your couch, is there something you could have done to avoid the accident? I know it wasn't "your fault" per se, but it's important to share your "lessons learned" with the rest of the group. It could save someone one day. How does your gear look?

I really only have one thing to say:

:rof: :rof: :rof: :rof: :rof:

My Bad...i was'nt practising ATGATT at the time! If i was, then i may not be in this "pickle"! Lol!

What i could of done to avoid this accident....

1. Turn in my kick ass free drink i dont drink so much Bourbon, or Beer! Not likely! :rockon:
2. Did the moonwalk, instead of skip....much lower impact! :D
3. Stop being a "poser"! Not likely! :D
4. Acted my age....Not likely!

So, in retrospect, no, i could not of done much to avoid my peril! :D

Thanks for all the well wishes folks....and dont worry, i am already thinking of getting back on the bike! And i reckon it will be less than 4 weeks...probably about a soon as the swelling goes down enough to fit my size 10 Sidi boot back on my leg!

Maybe i could go raid Mick Doohan's bike collection, and steal one of his bar mounted gear shifters! :D
As you admit to not growing up something to do in your "down" time, playing with the wolfman action figure:


now which one was wolfie :rof:
As you admit to not growing up something to do in your "down" time, playing with the wolfman action figure:


now which one was wolfie :rof:


Look at the 'Oh Sh*t' expression on L'il Red's face!! I bet it was the same Wolfy had on his face when he went down! Priceless!!!

Get well soon...
As you admit to not growing up something to do in your "down" time, playing with the wolfman action figure:


now which one was wolfie :rof:

Little red riding hood looks a bit like my missus! :D

Now, i bet i could have some "fun" with that game!!! :D

Might raise my blood pressure a bit though! :D
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