Should i buy full fairing or just stick to belly pan?

I'm sorry, i didn't find Iron Man FZ6 other than Red and Gold which doesn't like a hot-rod inspired, and also it looks bad(maybe bad camera for the video).
But that is poor man's(like me) satisfaction.

If i were like one you guys, have experience in electrical stuff(particularly bike) or some rich guy, i would sure go for rich/near perfect colors and arc reactor style Headlights(similar to angel eyes though) probably single headlight instead of dual and go naked.
Purchase the helmet, iron man style.
For blaster style, like hands, I will use white something like this for Handlebars(1. resembling hands with blaster).
For blasters in Legs, i don't recall what those are but, i remember seeing LED to the exhaust tips which makes it looks like fire(when you're going fast). So, I would power them up to my underseat stylish 2 exhaust FZ6 tips.

And again if i do all these stuff to my vehicle, i cannot use it for daily commute, I have to keep it in the bedroom ;) and use it once in a month after polishing for few hours..!

1. Access Denied

and for the headlights, this one works too, if you're wearing a arc reactor print on the t-shirt..!
I bought my bike used, and the previous owner put the ferrings on it, i really like it protects from the wind some too

Weird. S1 fairings on S2 bike :)

Just to be clear, the S1 doesn't have a full fairing either. The S1 and S2 look almost identical. In terms of styling, the S2 has different front brake rotors, a slightly different front fairing (the half-fairing nose), and any silver frame/suspension parts were changed to black.




Yes, You're right. What I've meant is the fact that the style of fairings in question is typical to S1 models (the top part, where it connects with the original cowling is different). I know that because I have these fairings on my S1 and fairings for S2 usually look different. The weird part was how did somebody managed to mount them.
If you want to get a sense of a full fairing, check out the pic of my '04 below. This is the Yamaha of Germany full fairing, fit perfectly and matched the paint.

This pic is a little old, I've since upgraded to R6 forks, 4-pot S2 calipers, an R1 shock with the FZ6 spring, Scorpions and a few other bits here and there just to keep messin' with it. These changes have provided some radical improvements for sure, thanks to [MENTION=15974]FinalImpact[/MENTION], [MENTION=14469]motojoe122[/MENTION], [MENTION=15]dako81[/MENTION] and [MENTION=3172]skooter65[/MENTION].

The full fairing or a belly pan will not affect maneuverability, since both are very light, nor I have noted any change in the airflow with higher temps in the engine or in me. These are just for looks mainly, go for whatever look you prefer.
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I wonder how much work would it take to fit the fairings fitting for S2 version onto S1. I believe it is only the concept of upper part where it connects with the original fairings.
I have the the lower fairings in black. If you search on EBay they're the ones from the UK seller. They came with my bike I just bought.

They fit on my 06. Not sure if they fit on other years. I'd be willing to sell them. Please let me know if you want them! PM me though as I might forget to check this thread lol.

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