sheepy hollow sheepskin pads

They are great mate , if you want to spend a little extra though I suggest getting a full lambswool seat cover they are awesome and make riding a dream :thumbup:

These guys made my FZ6 one GOOD WOOL STORE & you can ask Wolfman what he thinks of that :D
Ive often wondered how they go in the wet, like do they take a long time to dry and does the skin actually get wet or is the wool so thick that it just doesnt get through? assuming that they are not wool tufts on a synthetic base (or are they)?
I'm lucky I park under a building overhang near work and under cover at home, but if I'm out and about.....
I think I like the idea of one of these over an airhawk, and in the cager the woolie seat covers have always been a boon!
when Im sitting on my bike my feet are not flat on the ground do these covers make much difference to that or do they tend to flatten out after a while?
thanks in advance
If it is real wool or a lamb fleece, then due to the lanolin (oil in wool) It would be water resistant. Dries pretty quick to if it does get wet. However this only applies to a real tanned wool on hide. How you ask do I know this, well it just so happens that my grandmother was into spinning wool so she always had about a dozen sheep at any given time. Oh, and I was raised by my grandmother. They also work great for babies cribs and anything else you want to be supper comfy.
I have been using this for more than a week. It adds comfort/cushioning to the seat especially on my commute since it is a stop and go traffic.
It does not add too much to the seat height too.
For riding in the twisties I prefer not to use this, feels a bit weird.
I am also in the process of reshaping my seat to make it fit better.