Shameless Whoring

I also have an idea for removing the grab handles... essentially grinding them off, filling and then respraying the piece... It could tidy the seat unit right up, or (based on the fact I haven't seen it done anywhere else) it could be a rather expensive failure! I'm lurking on eBay hoping to find one cheap enough to test my bodywork skills on.
I've done it. You can buy them sooo cheap on ebay if the bit you're going to cut off is scratched. The anle grinder cut through it like butter. Then it's sand and sand again. The hardest part for me was the painting! I'm still not happy with it.
Damn that is a good looking bike. I think I may get that spring cover; seems like a good idea.
+1 to that. Brilliant idea. I just bought two black ones on ebay for £5 each in black. Great idea. I'm planning on buying the ugly Purple Hyperpro spring next month and the cover will nicely hide it! :D