Sea kittens are so tasty....


Junior Member
Nov 1, 2008
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Sebastopol, Ca
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I'm an avid spearfisherman and someone posted this on a spearfishing message board I use the other day. Thought you guys would get a laugh out of it.
I love and honor our ocean resource, and only take what I'm going to eat, and sometimes take nothing at all, but these people are ****ing insane!
You've got to read the sea kitten stories, are these supposed to be ok for kids?

PETA // Save the Sea Kittens
These people are freaking insane.

It makes me want to eat more fish.

The ocean is a horribley violent place. Its not a friendly loving cartoon. Things eat other things. Hardly any fish are vegitarian, and they dont even need to start on the planktonic eaters because they eat baby larval fish, corals, anemone, and shrimp.

I think feeding them to hells fire anemone is the way to go.

Family Actinodendronidae - Hell's Fire Sea Anemones

Or fed to humbolt squid.

They dont normally attack humans but they have. I would say its a horrible way to go.
Color me jealous! Sounds like a fun trip, I heard those suckers put up a great fight.:thumbup:

The main thing that they do is run a long distance, fast. You'll break your rod if you try to stop them. In fact, my second one damaged my reel, broke the friction widget. I had to brake the reel with my hand.

They tire quickly though, and even when hooked they try to stay with the school. So the fight is over before too long.

The challenge for me was to find them, which sometimes involved wading for an hour over tidal flats to close in on a school. I never would have found a single fish if our guide hadn't had 20 years of experience at it. And once you find them, casting to them and getting them to take the bait is where a lot of skill and luck is needed.

I'm not skilled, but I am lucky. I hooked three and reeled in two of them. On the third, the leader line came untied from the flyline and the fish escaped.
Cat.. the other... other white meat.

Hah no seriously I love cats but yeah P.E.T.A. is full of wack jobs for the most part. I mean fish? Didn't jesus eat fish cause they have no souls? Can you be a fanatically religous P.E.T.A. member.. plants have feelings too don't they? Hah
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Is that about the dumbest damned thing you've ever seen???

So if fish are cats, and its not good to eat fish, then it is okay to eat kittens??? But it must be okay to eat kittens because in Korea they eat puppies.

I am soooo confused....:confused::confused::confused:

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I read some where that PETA is actual the most active terrorist group in the US. Crazy, huh!?

I watched a video by PETA on how bad farmers and butchers are to cattle. It was bull$h*t to say the least, no pun intended. I swear they are just making this stuff up half the time.

As to the comment about harming the plants. There is one group of vegitarians that will not eat food unless it has fallen. They will not harvest it, they feel that it is harmful to the plant.

Some people have too much time on their hands.

As to the comment about harming the plants. There is one group of vegitarians that will not eat food unless it has fallen. They will not harvest it, they feel that it is harmful to the plant.

Some people have too much time on their hands.


Don't these 'tards understand we'd never have made it anywhere as a species if we didn't eat anything edible we could lay our hands on? Where the hell do they think the food to feed over 4 billion people comes from, the "nothing harmed" isle at Wholefoods?
I saw a bumper sticker that said...."If God didn't want us to eat animals he wouldn't have made them out of meat" LOL.....I want that on a shirt!! LOL:D