Scratch on plastic mirror


Junior Member
Jun 20, 2011
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Hello gentlemen!
I bought my bike about one month and would like to adjust some things on it. I believe the last owner has scratched the plastic part of the rearview mirror on a wall, for only slightly scratched.

Someone tell me if I use sandpaper number 300 I can remove scratch of the plastic? or rather a steel wool?

I dont have pics, but isnt bigger scratch..

sry for bad eng.
you can use sand paper to get rid of the scratch if it really bothers you. Use finer and finer grits until the plastic looks like the parts surrounding the scratch.

That said you will still be able to see where you sanded so it is really up to you if it is that bad.

Mine has the same thing on one of the mirrors and I Figure so what? It may get more. :thumbup:

thanks! My concern was that the repair by sanding the plastic he would be even worse. I'd better let him scratch it. I was told that he could stay white after sanding. be?
I am not sure if I understand you.

If it is white and painted the you will need to repaint after sanding.

If it is the stock Black then you do not need to paint but your WILL still be able to see the sanding.

You are right that most of the time it looks worse after trying to repair it that just looking at the scratch.

Best of luck.

Thanks lomax,
but i say about sand and will be white,
Some plastics after sanding may be lighter than the rest of the part. In some cases they are white, a milky white.

I think I'll follow your advice and leave it at that. Do not call as much attention.

sry for my bad english (y)
If you do anything like sanding it, it will loose its porous texture unless you sand the whole thing smooth.

The other option would be to sand it, spray texture on it and paint it. Then you need to do both. Prolly easier to replace it if it bothers you.

Just my 2cents but I'm guessing most paint is not going to stay put unless a proper etching chemical is applied to the plastic to soften it and bite into it so the paint can stick. . . .