Rope across road, rider caught


Junior Member
Sep 10, 2009
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Oslo, Norway
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This is what we have to live with in Norway - a newspaper article (poorly) translated with Google Translate:

The driver was on his way to Gibraltar, riding across Europe. He didn't even make it out of Norway before his accident. Luckily he wasn't hurt, but the bike isn't rideable and his trip is cancelled.

What the f**k is wrong with people? It should be obvious to everyone that streching a rope across the road is a lethal weapon... :spank: :spank:
a couple of people have died in the UK because of this, and they used wire instead of rope strung at neck height... you can imagine what happened
This has happened in the states too quite a few times, but NEVER on public roads. This is usually done on dirt trails in US by hikers who do not want to share trails with mountain bikers. Awful :(
Looking ahead for deer, dogs, debris, cagers, oil slicks, nuclear warheads, etc is hard we have to watch for wires and ropes strung across the roads!
Happened to my cousin back in the early 1980's. Somebody strung a rope across some fenceposts that previously was open, and the rope caught him as he rode through on his RM80. Broke several of his ribs I recall, and really messed him up.
one step worse... people around here were hanging fishing line and fishing hooks from trees. They did so to stop people from riding snowmobiles across their land...... My dad had a customer of his that came in complaining and said he was going to do this. My dad told him "my son rides snowmobiles, he gets lost and ends up on your property on accident and he hits this, I will torture you until you pass out, bring you back and torture you some more. Basically comes down to morons not realizing what can really happen they only think about their end.... Just another point of many people shouldn't be allowed to breed....
omg , terrible , a simmilar thing happened to me meny years ago in my home jersey, channel islands ( no not new jersey ) but in this case i was in a suzuki jeep, and it was a quiet public road , some kids thought it would be a great idea to put a tree trunk in the middle of the road , i managed to stop in time and saw the kids in the field running off so i hit reverse to catch up with them and give them a hiding ( this was 25 years ago :) ) but as i was so pissed off i wasnt thinking and when i hit the brakes to stop and get out , the front tires locked up and i hit the bank snapping of the rear suspention .... doh ..

needless to say the kids got away .. and i ended up with a huge repair bill ..

some people just dont think the consequeces of thier actions :p
If i ever catch someone doing this, i am going to tie them to the front of my car and drive them into it at 50 MPH... Treat other how you would like to be treated afterall...
Last time I was overseas the insurgents would string wire across the road just above the turret in order to try and decapitate the gunners. Worked a couple of times to. What would posses somebody to do this on a public road or trail to there fellow countrymen.